Legalize Documents with Kemenkumham’s Accuracy

As a citizen of Indonesia, you may have encountered the need to legalize your documents. It is a process of verifying the authenticity of your documents, which is essential for various purposes, including legal, educational, and professional. Legalizing your documents is a crucial step in ensuring that your documents are legally recognized and accepted. In …

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Peraturan Impor Terbaru 2017

Indonesia has always been a country that relies heavily on imports, and as such, importing goods is a vital part of the country’s economy. However, the Indonesian government recognizes the need to regulate imports to prevent the country from relying too much on imported goods. This is where the Peraturan Impor Terbaru 2017 comes in. …

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Perkumpulan Wakil Manajer Investasi Indonesia: A Guide to Investment Management in Indonesia

Perkumpulan Wakil Manajer Investasi Indonesia (PWMI) is the Indonesian Association of Investment Managers. The organization is responsible for regulating the investment management industry in Indonesia, ensuring that investment managers operating in the country adhere to high ethical standards and comply with local laws and regulations. In this article, we will introduce you to PWMI, its …

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What is Perka BPKM in English?

Perka BPKM stands for “Peraturan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Mengenai Kegiatan Usaha dan Jasa yang dapat Dilakukan oleh Bank Perkreditan Rakyat”. In English, it can be translated to “Bank for People’s Credit Regulation Regarding Business Activities and Services that Can be Conducted by People’s Credit Banks”. Overview of Perka BPKM Perka BPKM is a regulation issued …

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Psk Impor Di Jakarta: A Closer Look at the Import of Foreign Sex Workers in Jakarta

Jakarta is a bustling metropolis, the capital city of Indonesia, and a melting pot of cultures. But it is also a city with a dark side. One aspect of this is the import of foreign sex workers, commonly referred to as “PSK impor” or “imported PSK” in Indonesian. In this article, we will take a …

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Negative List BPKM 2015: Understanding the Regulation

Indonesia is a country that is rich in natural resources and has a large population. However, this has not always translated to economic development, and the government has been working to improve the business climate in the country. One of the measures that has been put in place is the Negative List BPKM 2015. This …

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Data Impor Pangan Indonesia 2017

Indonesia, as one of the world’s largest agricultural countries, is known for its abundant natural resources. However, in recent years, the country has faced a significant challenge in meeting its food demands. Therefore, the Indonesian government has implemented several policies to support the growth of the domestic agricultural sector, including the regulation of food imports. …

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