Kepala BPKM Diy

Kepala BPKM Diy Kepala Badan Pengelola Keuangan dan Aset Daerah (BPKM) Diyakini sebagai sosok penting dalam mendorong pembangunan di wilayah DIY. Jabatan ini memiliki tanggung jawab dalam mengatur dan mengelola keuangan serta aset daerah, sehingga mampu mempengaruhi perkembangan ekonomi dan pemerintahan di DIY. Tanggung Jawab Kepala BPKM Diy Sebagai pemimpin BPKM Diy, Kepala BPKM Diy …

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Oss System BPKM: Solution for Efficient Government Administration

As a developing country, Indonesia needs an efficient and effective government administration system to support its economic growth and development. One of the systems that can help achieve this is the Oss System BPKM. In this article, we will discuss what the Oss System BPKM is, how it works, and its benefits for the government …

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What is Perka BPKM in English?

Perka BPKM stands for “Peraturan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Mengenai Kegiatan Usaha dan Jasa yang dapat Dilakukan oleh Bank Perkreditan Rakyat”. In English, it can be translated to “Bank for People’s Credit Regulation Regarding Business Activities and Services that Can be Conducted by People’s Credit Banks”. Overview of Perka BPKM Perka BPKM is a regulation issued …

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