Indonesia Schengen

Indonesia is a country located in Southeast Asia which has become a popular tourist destination for people from all over the world. In recent years, Indonesia has been working on making it easier for travelers to visit the country by implementing the Indonesia Schengen policy.


What is Indonesia Schengen?


What is Indonesia Schengen?

The Indonesia Schengen policy is a visa policy that was implemented in 2016 to make it easier for travelers to visit Indonesia. Under this policy, travelers from 169 countries can enter Indonesia without a visa for 30 days. This policy is similar to the Schengen policy in Europe, which allows travelers to visit multiple countries without needing a separate visa for each country.

The Indonesia Schengen policy has been a game-changer for the tourism industry in Indonesia. The country has seen a significant increase in the number of tourists visiting since the implementation of this policy.

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How to apply for Indonesia Schengen?

The Indonesia Schengen policy is available to travelers from 169 countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and most European countries. Travelers from these countries can enter Indonesia without a visa for up to 30 days.

For travelers who wish to stay for more than 30 days, there are several options available. The most common option is to apply for a tourist visa, which allows travelers to stay in Indonesia for up to 60 days. To apply for a tourist visa, travelers must submit an application to the Indonesian embassy in their country of residence.

There are also other types of visas available for travelers who wish to stay in Indonesia for longer periods, such as the social visa and the business visa. These visas allow travelers to stay in Indonesia for up to 180 days and are suitable for people who wish to work or study in Indonesia.

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Advantages of Indonesia Schengen

The Indonesia Schengen policy has several advantages for travelers. One of the main advantages is that it makes it easier and more affordable for travelers to visit Indonesia. Travelers can save money on visa fees and travel expenses by visiting Indonesia under the Indonesia Schengen policy.

Another advantage of the Indonesia Schengen policy is that it makes it easier for travelers to plan their trips. Travelers can visit multiple destinations in Indonesia without worrying about getting a separate visa for each destination.

Finally, the Indonesia Schengen policy has been a significant boost to the tourism industry in Indonesia. The policy has helped increase the number of tourists visiting Indonesia, which has had a positive impact on the economy of the country.

Disadvantages of Indonesia Schengen

While the Indonesia Schengen policy has several advantages, there are also some disadvantages to this policy. One of the main disadvantages is that it can lead to overcrowding in popular tourist destinations in Indonesia. This can lead to long wait times and a less enjoyable experience for travelers.

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Another disadvantage of the Indonesia Schengen policy is that it can make it harder for the government to regulate the number of tourists visiting the country. This can lead to environmental damage and overcrowding in some areas.


The Indonesia Schengen policy has been a game-changer for the tourism industry in Indonesia. This policy has made it easier and more affordable for travelers to visit Indonesia, which has led to an increase in the number of tourists visiting the country. While there are some disadvantages to this policy, the overall impact has been positive for Indonesia.
