Pencegahan TKI Non Prosedural

Indonesia is known for being one of the countries with the highest number of migrant workers. Many Indonesian citizens choose to work abroad to earn a higher income and provide for their families back home. However, not all migrant workers have a legal status, and some may face many challenges and risks while working overseas. One of the issues that Indonesia faces is the high number of non-procedural migrant workers, or TKI non prosedural. In this article, we will discuss what TKI non prosedural is and how to prevent it from happening.

What is TKI Non Prosedural?

TKI non prosedural is a term used to describe migrant workers who work overseas without following proper procedures. These workers do not have proper documentation, such as a work permit or a visa, and are therefore considered illegal migrants. This means that they are not protected by the law and are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Many TKI non prosedural workers are promised high-paying jobs, only to be forced to work in poor conditions with little pay.

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There are many reasons why Indonesian citizens become TKI non prosedural, including the lack of job opportunities in their home country, poverty, and the promise of a better life overseas. Some may also be tricked by recruitment agencies who promise them work in other countries without explaining the legal procedures involved.

The Consequences of Being TKI Non Prosedural

Being a TKI non prosedural can have severe consequences for the worker and their family. Firstly, they are not protected by the law and are therefore at risk of being abused, exploited, or even trafficked. They may also face difficulties in accessing healthcare or legal assistance if needed. Additionally, they may be deported back to Indonesia if they are caught working illegally, which can result in a loss of income and shame in their community.

Furthermore, TKI non prosedural workers may not receive fair pay or working conditions. They may be forced to work long hours without breaks, live in cramped or unsanitary conditions, or even face physical abuse from their employers. This can lead to mental and physical health problems, as well as a loss of dignity and self-esteem.


Preventing TKI Non Prosedural

There are many ways to prevent TKI non prosedural from happening. Firstly, the Indonesian government should provide more job opportunities and improve the economy to reduce poverty rates. This will decrease the number of Indonesian citizens who feel the need to work overseas to provide for their families.

Secondly, the government should regulate and monitor recruitment agencies and ensure that they follow proper procedures. Recruitment agencies should be required to provide information about the legal procedures involved in working overseas and ensure that workers have the proper documentation before leaving Indonesia.

Thirdly, the government should provide more support and protection for migrant workers who are already working overseas. This includes ensuring that they have access to healthcare, legal assistance, and protection from abuse and exploitation. The Indonesian embassy in other countries should also provide assistance to migrant workers who need help.


TKI non prosedural is a significant problem in Indonesia that puts many migrant workers at risk of abuse and exploitation. It is essential to prevent this from happening by providing more job opportunities, regulating recruitment agencies, and providing more support for migrant workers. By doing so, we can ensure that Indonesian citizens who work overseas are protected and treated with dignity and respect.

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