Komoditas Ekspor Indonesia 2020

Komoditas Ekspor Indonesia 2020

Indonesia has always been known for its abundant natural resources, which has made export markets a major contributor to the country’s economy. In 2020, despite the challenges of the pandemic, Indonesia continued to export a wide range of commodities to various countries around the world.

Palm Oil

Palm oil is Indonesia’s top export commodity, and it is the world’s most widely used vegetable oil. In 2020, Indonesia exported around 36 million tonnes of palm oil, generating around $17 billion in revenue. This commodity is highly demanded by countries such as India, China, and the European Union for use in various industries, including food, cosmetics, and biofuels.


Coal is another major export commodity of Indonesia, with the country being one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of this fossil fuel. In 2020, Indonesia exported over 400 million tonnes of coal, earning around $13 billion in revenue. This commodity is primarily exported to countries such as China, India, and Japan, where it is used for power generation and industrial purposes.

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Natural Gas

Indonesia is also a major exporter of natural gas, with the country being one of the largest producers of this commodity in the Asia-Pacific region. In 2020, Indonesia exported around 17 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas, earning around $6 billion in revenue. The primary recipients of Indonesia’s natural gas exports are Japan, South Korea, and China.

Crude Oil

Crude oil is another significant export commodity of Indonesia, with the country being the largest producer of oil in Southeast Asia. In 2020, Indonesia exported around 49 million barrels of crude oil, generating around $2 billion in revenue. This commodity is mostly exported to countries such as Japan, China, and Singapore, where it is refined and used for various purposes.


Indonesia is one of the world’s largest producers of natural rubber, with the commodity being a vital export for the country’s economy. In 2020, Indonesia exported around 2.4 million tonnes of rubber, generating around $4 billion in revenue. This commodity is highly demanded by countries such as China, India, and the United States for use in the automotive and construction industries.

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Textiles and Garments

Indonesia’s textile and garment industry is a major contributor to the country’s economy and is a significant export commodity. In 2020, Indonesia exported around $12 billion worth of textiles and garments, with the primary recipients being the United States, Japan, and the European Union. This commodity is in high demand due to Indonesia’s skilled workforce and competitive pricing compared to other countries in the region.


Cocoa is another significant export commodity of Indonesia, with the country being the third-largest producer of cocoa beans in the world. In 2020, Indonesia exported around 300,000 tonnes of cocoa, generating around $800 million in revenue. This commodity is highly demanded by countries such as the United States, Germany, and the Netherlands for use in the chocolate and confectionery industries.


In conclusion, Indonesia’s export commodities play a crucial role in the country’s economy, generating billions of dollars in revenue each year. The commodities mentioned above are just a few of the many export products that Indonesia produces, and each commodity has a unique impact on the country’s economic growth. Despite the challenges faced in 2020, Indonesia’s export market continues to thrive, demonstrating the country’s resilience and potential for growth in the years to come.

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