Badan Koordinator Penanaman Modal: What You Need to Know

Badan Koordinator Penanaman Modal or BKPM is the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board. BKPM was established in 1966, and it has since played a critical role in developing the Indonesian economy by attracting foreign investments. This article will explain what BKPM is, its functions and responsibilities, as well as how it can benefit investors. What is …

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Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BPKM)

Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board, also known as BPKM (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal), is a government agency that aims to facilitate and promote investment in Indonesia. As one of the most important government agencies in Indonesia, BPKM plays a crucial role in the country’s economic growth and development. In this article, we will discuss the role …

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