Suriname People Javanese

Suriname is a small country located in South America that is home to a unique ethnic group known as the Javanese. The Javanese people are one of the largest ethnic groups in Suriname, and they have a rich history and culture that is worth exploring. In this article, we will dive deep into the world of the Suriname Javanese people and learn about their customs, traditions, and way of life.

Who are the Javanese People of Suriname?

The Javanese people are an ethnic group that originated from the island of Java in Indonesia. They were brought to Suriname in the late 19th century as indentured laborers to work on the plantations. Today, they make up approximately 15% of the population of Suriname and have managed to preserve their culture and traditions despite being far from their homeland.

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The Javanese Culture in Suriname

The Javanese culture is a unique blend of Indonesian and Surinamese influences. The Javanese people in Suriname have managed to preserve many of their cultural traditions, including their language, music, dance, and food. Javanese cuisine is a popular cuisine in Suriname, with dishes such as Nasi Goreng and Gado-Gado being widely enjoyed.

Javanese Weddings

Weddings are an important part of Javanese culture, and Javanese weddings in Suriname are no exception. A traditional Javanese wedding is a grand affair that involves many rituals and ceremonies. The bride and groom are typically dressed in traditional Javanese attire, and the wedding ceremony is conducted by a Javanese priest.

Javanese Music and Dance

Javanese music and dance are an integral part of Javanese culture, and they play an important role in many Javanese celebrations and ceremonies. The gamelan orchestra, which consists of a variety of percussion instruments, is an important part of Javanese music. Javanese dance is also a popular art form, with traditional dances such as the Bedhaya and the Srimpi being widely performed.

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Javanese Religion in Suriname

The majority of Javanese people in Suriname practice Islam, although there are also significant numbers of Christians and Hindus. Islam was brought to Suriname by Javanese immigrants, and it has since become an important part of Javanese culture in the country. There are several mosques in Suriname that are frequented by the Javanese community.

The Future of the Javanese Culture in Suriname

The Javanese culture in Suriname has faced many challenges over the years, including assimilation, discrimination, and economic hardship. However, the Javanese people have managed to persevere and maintain their cultural traditions. Today, there are many Javanese cultural organizations in Suriname that work to promote and preserve the Javanese culture.


The Javanese people of Suriname are a unique and vibrant ethnic group that has contributed greatly to the cultural landscape of the country. Despite facing many challenges over the years, the Javanese people have managed to preserve their cultural traditions and maintain a strong sense of community. As Suriname continues to grow and evolve, it is important to remember and celebrate the rich history and culture of the Javanese people.

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