Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya: The Key to Indonesia’s Global Trade Relations

Surabaya, the capital city of East Java, Indonesia, is well-known for its thriving import and export industry. The city’s Ekspor Impor Community has been instrumental in driving Indonesia’s economic growth, fostering international trade relations, and generating employment opportunities.

What is Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya?

Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya is a community of exporters, importers, and other stakeholders who are involved in the import-export industry. The community provides a platform for its members to network, share knowledge and experiences, and collaborate to improve the industry’s performance.

Why is Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya Important?

Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya plays a vital role in Indonesia’s economic growth by promoting international trade relations. The community’s members are involved in various sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing, and services, and they export and import a wide range of products, including textiles, electronics, machinery, and food products.

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Indonesia’s export-import industry has experienced significant growth over the years, and Surabaya has been at the forefront of this growth. In 2019, Indonesia’s total exports were worth around US$180 billion, while its imports were valued at US$188 billion. This highlights the importance of the export-import industry to the country’s economy.

Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya has helped to create a conducive environment for international trade by providing its members with the necessary support and resources. This includes facilitating trade negotiations, providing market intelligence, and offering training and capacity building programs.

The Benefits of Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya

Being a member of Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya comes with numerous benefits, including:

Networking Opportunities

The community provides a platform for its members to interact with other stakeholders in the industry, including exporters, importers, freight forwarders, and customs agents. This enables members to learn from each other, share experiences, and build valuable business relationships.

Market Intelligence

Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya provides its members with market intelligence, including information on market trends, regulations, and opportunities. This information is critical in enabling members to make informed business decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

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Capacity Building

The community offers various training and capacity building programs to its members, including workshops, seminars, and online training. These programs help members to improve their skills and knowledge, enabling them to enhance their business performance.


Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya advocates for the interests of its members and the industry as a whole. This includes lobbying for favorable trade policies, addressing regulatory challenges, and promoting the industry to the government and other stakeholders.

The Challenges Faced by Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya

Despite its significant contributions to Indonesia’s economy, Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya faces various challenges. These include:


The export-import industry is highly competitive, and Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya’s members face stiff competition from other players in the industry.

Regulatory Challenges

The industry is heavily regulated, and members must comply with various regulations and procedures, including customs procedures, import-export documentation, and licensing requirements.

Infrastructure Challenges

Indonesia’s infrastructure is underdeveloped, and this poses significant challenges to the export-import industry. Poor transportation networks, inadequate ports, and limited access to finance are some of the infrastructure challenges faced by Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya’s members.

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The Future of Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya

Despite the challenges, Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya remains optimistic about the future. The community is continually seeking ways to improve its members’ performance and overcome the challenges they face.

One of the key strategies is to leverage technology to improve efficiency and productivity. This includes the use of digital platforms for trade transactions, online training and capacity building, and market intelligence.

Another strategy is to diversify into new markets and products. This will enable members to reduce their dependence on traditional markets and products and tap into new opportunities.


Ekspor Impor Community Surabaya is a vital player in Indonesia’s export-import industry, and it has played a significant role in promoting international trade relations, fostering economic growth, and generating employment opportunities. Despite the challenges faced by the industry, the community remains optimistic about the future and is continually seeking ways to improve its performance.
