Psk Impor Di Jakarta: A Closer Look at the Import of Foreign Sex Workers in Jakarta

Jakarta is a bustling metropolis, the capital city of Indonesia, and a melting pot of cultures. But it is also a city with a dark side. One aspect of this is the import of foreign sex workers, commonly referred to as “PSK impor” or “imported PSK” in Indonesian. In this article, we will take a closer look at what PSK impor is, why it is happening, and what actions are being taken to address this issue.

What is PSK Impor?

PSK impor refers to foreign sex workers who come to Jakarta to work in the sex industry. They are often brought over illegally and are often victims of human trafficking. These sex workers come from various countries, including China, Thailand, and Vietnam.

According to a report by the National Commission for the Eradication of Trafficking in Persons (Komisi Nasional Perlindungan Anak, or Komnas PA), there were 368 cases of human trafficking involving foreign sex workers in Indonesia in 2018.

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Why is PSK Impor Happening?

The sex industry in Jakarta is thriving, with some estimates putting the number of prostitutes in the city at around 100,000. However, the demand for sex workers exceeds the supply of local prostitutes, leading to an increase in the import of foreign sex workers.

Additionally, corruption within the immigration and law enforcement agencies allows the illegal import of foreign sex workers to continue.

The Impact of PSK Impor

The import of foreign sex workers has several negative impacts. Firstly, it perpetuates the cycle of human trafficking and exploitation of vulnerable women. These sex workers often do not have legal documents and are forced to work in dangerous and exploitative conditions.

Secondly, it undermines efforts to eradicate the sex industry in Jakarta. The import of foreign sex workers increases the supply of sex workers and makes it more difficult to regulate the industry.

Addressing the Issue

The Indonesian government has taken steps to address the issue of PSK impor. In 2019, the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection launched a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of human trafficking.

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Additionally, law enforcement agencies have carried out raids on brothels and arrested both sex workers and brothel owners. However, these efforts have been largely ineffective in curbing the import of foreign sex workers.


The import of foreign sex workers, or PSK impor, is a complex issue that requires a multi-pronged approach to address. It involves tackling corruption within immigration and law enforcement agencies, raising awareness of the dangers of human trafficking, and regulating the sex industry.

As individuals, we can also play a part in addressing this issue by being more conscious of our choices and actions, and supporting efforts to eradicate human trafficking and exploitation.
