What Is PT PMA

PT PMA is a business entity in Indonesia that is often used by foreign investors who want to do business in the country. PT PMA stands for Perseroan Terbatas Penanaman Modal Asing, which translates to Limited Liability Company with Foreign Investment.

PT PMA is regulated under Indonesian law and allows foreign investors to have ownership in a company that is established in Indonesia. This type of business entity is commonly used for various industries such as manufacturing, trading, and service businesses.

How Does PT PMA Work?

PT PMA works by allowing foreign investors to own a portion of a company that is established and registered in Indonesia. The foreign investor needs to apply for a Foreign Investment Business License (Izin Usaha Penanaman Modal Asing or IU-PMA) to establish a PT PMA.

The IU-PMA is issued by the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and is valid for 30 years. The foreign investor is required to have at least one local shareholder, and the foreign ownership percentage cannot exceed 100%.

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After obtaining the IU-PMA, the PT PMA can start its business operations. The company will be required to pay taxes and comply with Indonesian laws and regulations related to business operations.

What Are the Advantages of PT PMA?

One of the advantages of PT PMA is that it allows foreign investors to have ownership in a company that is established in Indonesia. This can be beneficial for foreign investors who want to expand their business operations to Indonesia or enter the Indonesian market.

Another advantage is that PT PMA is a legal entity under Indonesian law, which means that the company can enter into contracts, own assets, and conduct business operations in Indonesia.

What Are the Requirements for PT PMA?

There are several requirements for PT PMA, including:

  • Foreign Investment Business License (IU-PMA)
  • At least one local shareholder
  • Minimum investment of IDR 10 billion (approximately USD 700,000)
  • Company domicile in Indonesia
  • Company deed and articles of association
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PT PMA is also required to comply with Indonesian laws and regulations related to business operations, including tax obligations, labor laws, and corporate governance.


PT PMA is a business entity in Indonesia that allows foreign investors to have ownership in a company that is established in Indonesia. This type of business entity is commonly used for various industries and is regulated under Indonesian law. PT PMA requires a Foreign Investment Business License (IU-PMA) and compliance with Indonesian laws and regulations related to business operations.

Overall, PT PMA can be a beneficial option for foreign investors who want to expand their business operations to Indonesia or enter the Indonesian market. By understanding the requirements and advantages of PT PMA, foreign investors can make informed decisions about establishing a company in Indonesia.
