Surat Keterangan Belum Pernah Menikah Word: How to Get It and What It’s For

Surat Keterangan Belum Pernah Menikah or SKBPM is a document that proves an individual has never been married before. This document is often required for various purposes such as applying for a passport or getting married. In this article, we’ll discuss what SKBPM is, where and how to get it, and what it’s for.

What is Surat Keterangan Belum Pernah Menikah?

Surat Keterangan Belum Pernah Menikah, also known as SKBPM, is a document that states an individual has never been married before. It includes personal information such as name, birth date, and address. This document is usually issued by the local Civil Registry Office or Kantor Catatan Sipil (KCS).

Why Do You Need Surat Keterangan Belum Pernah Menikah?

SKBPM is often required for various purposes such as applying for a passport, getting married, or applying for certain jobs. For those who plan to get married, SKBPM is a required document to prove that an individual is legally eligible to get married and has not been married before. For passport application, SKBPM is needed to prove the applicant’s identity and citizenship.

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How to Get Surat Keterangan Belum Pernah Menikah

To obtain SKBPM, you need to visit your local Civil Registry Office or Kantor Catatan Sipil (KCS). You will need to bring your original birth certificate and a copy of your ID card. You may also need to bring additional documents such as your parents’ marriage certificate or divorce certificate, depending on the requirements of the local KCS.

Once you have all the required documents, you can fill out the SKBPM application form and submit it along with the necessary documents. The process usually takes a few days, and you will be notified when your SKBPM is ready for pick up.

Things to Consider When Applying for Surat Keterangan Belum Pernah Menikah

When applying for SKBPM, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, make sure that all the information on your ID card and birth certificate is accurate and up-to-date. Any discrepancies may cause delays or rejection of your SKBPM application.

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Secondly, if you were born outside of Indonesia, you may need to provide additional documents such as your birth certificate from the country where you were born. Make sure to check with the local KCS about the requirements for SKBPM application for non-Indonesian citizens.


SKBPM is an important document that proves an individual has never been married before. It is required for various purposes such as applying for a passport or getting married. To obtain SKBPM, you need to visit your local Civil Registry Office or Kantor Catatan Sipil (KCS) and provide the necessary documents. Make sure to prepare all the required documents and check with the local KCS about their specific requirements. With this document, you can prove your eligibility for certain important life events.
