Yayasan TKI Taiwan: Supporting Indonesian Migrant Workers in Taiwan

Migrating to another country is a significant decision that is often influenced by economic opportunities and better living conditions. Among the countries that Indonesians often migrate to is Taiwan. Taiwan has been a popular destination for Indonesians seeking employment opportunities and a higher income.

However, the migration process can be challenging, especially for first-time migrant workers. Many Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan face various issues such as language barriers, cultural differences, and legal problems. In response to these challenges, Yayasan TKI Taiwan was established to provide support and assistance to Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan.

What is Yayasan TKI Taiwan?

Yayasan TKI Taiwan is a non-profit organization that was established in 2004. Its main objective is to provide support and assistance to Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan. The foundation is registered under the Ministry of Social Affairs and funded by the Indonesian government, private donors and fundraising activities.

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The foundation operates in various regions of Taiwan, including Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung. It provides several services to migrant workers, including legal assistance, counseling, health services, and education.

Services Offered by Yayasan TKI Taiwan

One of the main services provided by Yayasan TKI Taiwan is legal assistance. Many Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan face legal issues such as contract disputes, wage disputes, and exploitation. The foundation provides legal advice and representation to ensure that the rights of migrant workers are protected.

Another service provided by Yayasan TKI Taiwan is counseling. The foundation understands the emotional challenges that migrant workers experience while working abroad. Homesickness, depression, and anxiety are common among migrant workers. Therefore, the foundation provides counseling sessions to help migrant workers cope with these challenges.

The foundation also provides health services to migrant workers. It collaborates with several hospitals and clinics in Taiwan to provide medical check-ups, vaccinations, and treatment. The foundation also provides health education to ensure that migrant workers are aware of the health risks associated with their work.

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Education is another service provided by Yayasan TKI Taiwan. The foundation conducts various training programs on language, culture, and skills development. The training programs aim to enhance the employability and competitiveness of migrant workers in the job market.

Impact of Yayasan TKI Taiwan

Yayasan TKI Taiwan has made significant contributions to the welfare of Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan. Over the years, the foundation has assisted thousands of migrant workers in various aspects of their lives, including legal, social, and health issues.

The foundation has also raised awareness about the challenges faced by migrant workers and advocated for their rights. It has collaborated with several organizations, including the Taiwan government, to improve the working conditions and living standards of migrant workers in Taiwan.


The establishment of Yayasan TKI Taiwan has been a significant development in the support and assistance provided to Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan. The foundation’s services have made a considerable impact on the lives of migrant workers and have contributed to their overall welfare.

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As more Indonesian workers continue to migrate to Taiwan, the foundation’s role in providing support and assistance to these workers becomes increasingly crucial. Yayasan TKI Taiwan has set an example for other organizations to follow, and its contribution to the welfare of migrant workers in Taiwan is much appreciated.
