What Is A Protection Visa?

For many people, obtaining a protection visa is the only way to ensure their safety and security. A protection visa is a type of visa that provides protection to refugees or other individuals who have been subject to persecution, torture, or other forms of harm in their home country. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on what a protection visa is, its eligibility requirements, and how to apply for one.

What Is A Protection Visa And Who Is Eligible?

A protection visa is a type of visa that is granted to individuals who are seeking protection from persecution, harm, or torture in their home country. This visa allows them to stay in Australia and seek protection from the Australian government. Protection visas are granted to refugees who are outside their home country and cannot return due to a well-founded fear of persecution based on their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.

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If you are seeking a protection visa, you must meet the eligibility requirements set by the Australian government. You must prove that you are a refugee, and your home country is unable or unwilling to protect you. You must also show that you have a real chance of facing persecution if you return to your home country. Additionally, you must meet the character and health requirements set by the Australian government.

What Are The Types Of Protection Visas?

There are two types of protection visas available in Australia:

1. Refugee Visa (subclass 200)

The Refugee visa (subclass 200) is for individuals who are outside Australia and are seeking protection as a refugee. To apply for this visa, you must be referred by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or another organization authorized by the Australian government. This visa allows you to live and work in Australia indefinitely and apply for Australian citizenship.

2. Protection Visa (subclass 866)

The Protection visa (subclass 866) is for individuals who are in Australia and are seeking protection as a refugee. To apply for this visa, you must hold a valid visa or be an unlawful non-citizen. This visa allows you to live and work in Australia indefinitely and apply for Australian citizenship.

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How To Apply For A Protection Visa?

If you are seeking a protection visa, you must apply to the Australian government. To apply, you must complete the Protection visa application form and provide all the necessary documents and evidence to support your claim. You will need to provide information about your identity, your story, and any evidence that supports your claim.

It is essential to seek legal advice before making your application, as the process can be complex and challenging. A registered migration agent can assist you with your application and provide you with the best chance of success.

What Happens After You Apply For A Protection Visa?

After you submit your application, the Australian government will assess your claim and determine whether you are eligible for a protection visa. The assessment process may include an interview, and you may be required to provide additional evidence to support your claim.

If your application is successful, you will be granted a protection visa and allowed to stay in Australia indefinitely. You will also have access to government services, such as health care, education, and social services.

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If your application is unsuccessful, you may be able to appeal the decision. It is essential to seek legal advice if your application is refused, as the appeals process can be complex.

The Benefits Of Obtaining A Protection Visa

Obtaining a protection visa can provide you with a range of benefits, including:

  • Protection from persecution, harm, or torture in your home country
  • The ability to live and work in Australia indefinitely
  • Access to government services, such as health care, education, and social services
  • The ability to apply for Australian citizenship


A protection visa is a type of visa that provides protection to refugees or other individuals who have been subject to persecution, torture, or other forms of harm in their home country. To be eligible for a protection visa, you must meet the eligibility requirements set by the Australian government. If you are seeking a protection visa, it is essential to seek legal advice and provide all the necessary evidence to support your claim. Obtaining a protection visa can provide you with a range of benefits, including protection, the ability to live and work in Australia indefinitely, and access to government services.
