Trend Ekspor Indonesia

Indonesia is a country that is rich in natural resources, making it one of the leading countries in the world with regards to exports. Over the years, the country has developed various strategies to increase its exports by identifying potential markets, improving production capacity, and enhancing competitiveness.

Overview of Indonesian Exports

Indonesia’s exports have been growing steadily over the past decade. In 2019, Indonesia’s total exports amounted to US$180 billion, an increase of 6.85% compared to the previous year. The largest share of this was contributed by mineral fuel and oil, which accounted for 20.6% of the total exports.

Indonesia’s main export partners are China, the United States, Japan, and Singapore, which together account for over half of the country’s total exports. Other important export destinations include South Korea, India, and Malaysia.

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Trends in Indonesian Exports

Indonesia’s exports have been influenced by various factors such as global economic conditions, domestic policies, and natural disasters. Some of the recent trends in Indonesian exports are discussed below:

Increasing demand for palm oil

Indonesia is one of the largest producers of palm oil in the world. In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for palm oil due to its use in various industries such as food, cosmetics, and biofuels. As a result, palm oil has become one of Indonesia’s most important export commodities.

Shift towards non-oil and gas exports

Indonesia has traditionally been reliant on oil and gas exports. However, the government has been encouraging a shift towards non-oil and gas exports to reduce the country’s dependence on these commodities. This has led to an increase in exports of products such as textiles, footwear, and electronics.

Expansion of export markets

Indonesia has been actively seeking to expand its export markets by identifying new opportunities in emerging economies such as Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. The government has also been working to improve trade relations with existing partners such as China and the United States.

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Implementation of trade agreements

Indonesia has signed various trade agreements with other countries and regions, such as the ASEAN Free Trade Area, the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, and the Indonesia-European Free Trade Association Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. These agreements have helped to increase Indonesia’s exports by reducing trade barriers and promoting trade.

Challenges faced by Indonesian Exports

Despite the positive trends in Indonesian exports, there are also several challenges that need to be addressed to ensure sustained growth. Some of these challenges are discussed below:


Indonesia’s infrastructure is still underdeveloped, which poses a challenge to the country’s export growth. Poor infrastructure such as ports, roads, and railways can lead to delays, higher costs, and reduced competitiveness.

Regulations and bureaucracy

The complex regulations and bureaucracy in Indonesia can be a barrier to trade. Companies may face difficulties in obtaining licenses, permits, and customs clearance, which can result in delays and additional costs.

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Quality control and standards

Indonesian products may not meet the quality and standards required by some export markets. This can limit the country’s export potential and reduce its competitiveness.

Environmental concerns

The production of some of Indonesia’s key export commodities, such as palm oil and timber, has raised environmental concerns. The government has been working to address these concerns by implementing sustainable production practices and promoting certification schemes.


Indonesia’s exports have been growing steadily over the past decade, driven by various factors such as increasing demand for palm oil, the shift towards non-oil and gas exports, the expansion of export markets, and the implementation of trade agreements. However, there are also several challenges that need to be addressed, such as infrastructure, regulations and bureaucracy, quality control and standards, and environmental concerns. By addressing these challenges, Indonesia can continue to increase its exports and maintain its position as a leading exporter in the world.
