Visa Kerja China E-Commerce

Visa Kerja China E-Commerce. China has become one of the largest e-commerce markets in the world, with an estimated 800 million online shoppers in 2021 alone. This has led to an increase in demand for workers in the e-commerce sector, especially those who are proficient in Mandarin Chinese. PT. Jangkar Global Groups For those who …

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Ekspor SQL Ke Excel: Mengoptimalkan Proses Data Analysis Anda

Sebagai seorang profesional yang kerap berurusan dengan data analysis, Anda tentu sudah tidak asing lagi dengan SQL dan Excel. SQL digunakan sebagai bahasa querying untuk mengambil data dari database, sedangkan Excel sering digunakan sebagai alat untuk mengolah data yang sudah diambil menggunakan SQL. Namun, jika Anda ingin menghemat waktu dan mempercepat proses data analysis, satu …

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Pusdatin BPKM Ri: A Comprehensive Guide

Indonesia is an archipelago country with vast natural resources, but the challenge is how to make these resources work for the people’s benefit. To address this challenge, the Indonesian government established the Bank of Indonesia’s (BI) Financing Development Board (BPKM) in 1973. BPKM’s primary role is to provide funding and technical assistance to small and …

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Data Impor Expor Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the biggest economies in Southeast Asia and has been actively involved in the import and export business for years. The country is rich in natural resources and has a strategic location that makes it an ideal hub for trade. In this article, we will discuss the various aspects of data import/export …

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