Print SKCK Online

SKCK or Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian is a document that certifies an individual’s criminal record. This document is required for various purposes such as applying for a job, applying for a passport, or continuing education. In the past, people had to go to the police station to obtain this document. However, with the advancement of technology, now people can print SKCK online. In this article, we will discuss how to print SKCK online and everything else related to it.

What is the Process of Printing SKCK Online?

Printing SKCK online is a simple and easy process. You need to follow the steps below:

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Step 1: Visit the Website

Visit the official website of the Indonesian National Police at and select the SKCK menu.

Step 2: Fill in Your Personal Information

After accessing the SKCK menu, you will be asked to fill in your personal information such as your name, ID number, and other related information. Ensure you fill in the correct information to avoid any problems later.

Step 3: Pay the Fee

After filling in your personal information, you will be directed to pay the SKCK fee. The fee for SKCK printing is IDR 30,000, and you can pay using various payment methods such as bank transfer, credit card, or e-wallet.

Step 4: Download and Print the SKCK

After the payment process is complete, you will receive a digital copy of your SKCK. You can then download and print the document. The printed version of the SKCK is considered valid and can be used for various purposes.

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What are the Benefits of Printing SKCK Online?

Printing SKCK online has many benefits, the most significant of which are:


Printing SKCK online is a convenient process that can be done from the comfort of your home without having to visit a police station.

Fast Processing

The process of printing SKCK online is much faster than the traditional method of going to a police station. You can receive a digital copy of your SKCK within 1 to 3 days.


The fee for printing SKCK online is much cheaper than the traditional method. You only need to pay IDR 30,000, and you can avoid transportation costs and other related expenses.

What are the Requirements for Printing SKCK Online?

Before printing SKCK online, you need to fulfill several requirements such as:

Indonesian Citizen

Only Indonesian citizens can print SKCK online. Foreigners who want to obtain SKCK must apply at the nearest Indonesian embassy or consulate.

Valid ID Card

You need to have a valid Indonesian ID card or KTP to print SKCK online. Ensure that the information on your KTP is correct and up-to-date.

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No Criminal Record

You cannot print SKCK online if you have a criminal record. Individuals with a criminal record must apply for SKCK at the nearest police station.


Printing SKCK online is a convenient and cost-effective process that can save you time and money. However, ensure that you fulfill the requirements and provide accurate information to avoid any problems. We hope this article has provided you with valuable information on how to print SKCK online.
