Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya

Indonesia is a country with an enormous potential for exports, and Surabaya, as the second largest city in Indonesia, plays a significant role in the export industry. This article will explore Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya and its importance in the export industry.

What is Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya?

Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya is a group of companies that specialize in exporting various products from Surabaya to different parts of the world. These companies are established with the aim of increasing the export industry in Surabaya and the surrounding regions.

Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya is a collaboration of several companies that have expertise in different industries, including agriculture, textiles, handicrafts, and many more. These companies work together to ensure that Surabaya’s export industry remains competitive in the global market.

Importance of Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya

Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya plays a vital role in the growth of Surabaya’s export industry and the overall Indonesian economy. The export industry is an essential source of revenue for the country, and Surabaya is one of the leading cities that contribute significantly to this industry.

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Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya works towards increasing the quality and quantity of exports from Surabaya. By collaborating with companies from various industries, they help to improve the competitiveness of Surabaya’s export products in the global market.

Moreover, Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya provides valuable support and resources to its member companies to help them navigate the complexities of international trade. They offer guidance on various aspects of exporting, including regulations, documentation, and logistics.

Products Exported by Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya

Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya exports a wide range of products from various industries. Some of the most popular products include:

  • Agricultural products, including fruits, vegetables, and spices
  • Textiles and garments
  • Handicrafts and furniture
  • Processed foods and snacks
  • Chemicals and pharmaceuticals

Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya ensures that these products meet international standards for quality and safety. They work closely with their member companies to ensure that all products are properly labeled, packaged, and transported to their destination countries.

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How to Become a Member of Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya

Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya is always looking for new and innovative companies to join their group. To become a member, a company must demonstrate expertise in the industry and a commitment to exporting from Surabaya.

The company must also meet certain criteria, including having a proven track record of exporting, complying with all regulations and standards, and having a sound financial standing.

Once a company becomes a member of Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya, they gain access to valuable resources and support to help them grow their export business. They also have the opportunity to collaborate with other member companies to expand their export offerings and enter new markets.


Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya is an essential player in the growth of Surabaya’s export industry. They work tirelessly to promote and increase the quantity and quality of Surabaya’s export products. As a result, Surabaya continues to be a significant contributor to Indonesia’s export industry.

Perusahaan Ekspor Surabaya offers many benefits to its member companies, including valuable resources and support to help them navigate the complexities of international trade. With their guidance and collaboration, member companies have the opportunity to expand their export offerings and enter new markets.

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