Persetujuan Impor In English: Understanding Import Approval

Importing goods into Indonesia can be a complicated process, as it requires compliance with various regulations and obtaining necessary approvals from relevant authorities. One of the key requirements for importing goods is obtaining a “Persetujuan Impor” or import approval from the Indonesian government. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to understanding Persetujuan Impor in English.


Mau tau cara urus persetujuan Ekspor/Import ? Yuk kita pelajari dari Portal INSW Kementrian Perdagangan. Kenali juga apa itu HS Code dan jika tidak tau nomer HS Code, anda langsung tanya ke Kantor Bea Cukai Rawamangun bagian klasifikasi barang. #kemendag #insw #persetujuanimpor #persetujuanekspor #jangkargroups #hscode

♬ Pintar Goyang Itu Harus Ygy – Donny Fernanda

What is Persetujuan Impor?

Persetujuan Impor is an import approval issued by the Indonesian government that allows businesses to import goods into the country. It is a mandatory requirement for importing goods into Indonesia, and failure to obtain this approval can result in penalties or rejection of the imported goods. The Persetujuan Impor is issued by the Ministry of Trade and is valid for a specific period, depending on the type of goods being imported.

Why is Persetujuan Impor Required?

The Indonesian government requires businesses to obtain a Persetujuan Impor to ensure that imported goods comply with the country’s regulations and standards. This approval is necessary to prevent the import of prohibited or restricted goods that may harm public health, the environment, or national security. Moreover, the Persetujuan Impor is essential to protect domestic industries from unfair competition from imported goods.

Who Needs to Obtain Persetujuan Impor?

Any business or individual planning to import goods into Indonesia must obtain a Persetujuan Impor. The requirement applies to all types of goods, including raw materials, finished products, and machinery. The type of Persetujuan Impor required depends on the nature of the goods being imported and the import conditions. The approval is mandatory for both commercial and personal imports.

Types of Persetujuan Impor

There are several types of Persetujuan Impor that businesses and individuals can obtain, depending on the nature of the goods being imported. The most common types of Persetujuan Impor are:

  • Persetujuan Impor Umum (PIU) – for general imports
  • Persetujuan Impor untuk Investasi (PIB) – for importing goods for investment purposes
  • Persetujuan Impor Khusus (PIK) – for importing goods for specific purposes such as research or humanitarian aid
  • Persetujuan Impor Barang Bekas (PIBB) – for importing used goods
  • Persetujuan Impor Sementara (PIS) – for importing goods temporarily

How to Obtain Persetujuan Impor

The process of obtaining Persetujuan Impor involves several steps and requires compliance with various regulations. Here are the general steps to obtain Persetujuan Impor:

  1. Determine the type of Persetujuan Impor required for the goods being imported
  2. Apply for a Customs Identification Number (Nomor Identitas Kepabeanan/NIK) from the Directorate General of Customs and Excise
  3. Apply for a Business Identification Number (Nomor Induk Berusaha/NIB) from the Online Single Submission (OSS) system
  4. Submit the import declaration to the Directorate General of Customs and Excise
  5. Obtain the Persetujuan Impor from the Ministry of Trade
  6. Pay the import duties and taxes
  7. Clear the imported goods from the customs

Documents Required for Obtaining Persetujuan Impor

There are several documents that businesses and individuals must submit when applying for Persetujuan Impor. The documents required may vary depending on the type of goods being imported and the import conditions. Generally, the following documents are required:

  • Invoice
  • Packing List
  • Bill of Lading/Airway Bill
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Import Declaration
  • Other supporting documents (if required)

Validity of Persetujuan Impor

The validity of Persetujuan Impor depends on the type of goods being imported and the import conditions. Generally, the approval is valid for a period of three months for general imports and six months for investment imports. However, for certain goods, the validity may be extended up to one year.

Penalties for Not Obtaining Persetujuan Impor

Failure to obtain Persetujuan Impor can result in penalties or rejection of the imported goods. The penalties may vary depending on the severity of the violation and may include fines, seizure of goods, or suspension of import activities. Moreover, non-compliance with import regulations can damage the reputation of the business and result in loss of customers and revenue.


Obtaining Persetujuan Impor is an essential requirement for importing goods into Indonesia. Businesses and individuals must comply with import regulations and obtain the necessary approvals to ensure the smooth flow of trade and prevent any harm to public health, the environment, or national security. By following the guidelines and obtaining Persetujuan Impor, businesses can ensure compliance with the law and protect themselves from potential penalties and reputational damage.

Meta Description

Learn about Persetujuan Impor in English and the requirements and regulations for importing goods into Indonesia. Find out about the types of Persetujuan Impor, the application process, and the penalties for non-compliance.

Meta Keywords

Persetujuan Impor, Import Approval, Indonesia, Regulations, Compliance, Import Process

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