Buku Pelaut Online: A Comprehensive Guide for Sailors

Buku Pelaut Online is an online platform that provides various learning materials for sailors who want to deepen their knowledge and skills in the maritime industry. This platform is designed to cater to the needs of both aspiring and seasoned sailors who want to upgrade their skills and stay updated with the latest industry trends. …

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Informasi TKI Masuk Malaysia 2023

Informasi TKI Masuk Malaysia 2023 Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest number of migrant workers around the world. Many Indonesian workers choose to work in Malaysia due to the proximity and high demand for workers. Every year, thousands of Indonesian workers enter Malaysia to work in various sectors, such as manufacturing, construction, …

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What is Surat Keterangan Belum Menikah Dari Capil?

In Indonesia, individuals who are planning to get married are required to obtain a Surat Keterangan Belum Menikah (SKBM) from the Civil Registration Office (Capil). This document is also known as a Certificate of Non-Impediment to Marriage or a Single Status Certificate. It serves as proof that the individual is not currently married and is …

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Do I Need A Visa To Visit Xiamen?

Introduction Xiamen is a beautiful city located in the Fujian Province of China. Known for its stunning coastline, rich cultural heritage, and delicious seafood, it is no wonder that many people want to visit this city. However, for those who are not familiar with China’s visa policy, the question arises: Do I need a visa …

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Inatrade Persetujuan Impor: A Comprehensive Guide

Inatrade Persetujuan Impor is a web-based application that allows businesses to apply for import permits online. The system was established by the Indonesian government to facilitate trade and simplify bureaucratic procedures. It is part of the Integrated National Single Window (INSW) system, which is a platform that integrates all government agencies involved in trade facilitation. …

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Baju Sisa Ekspor: The Secret Behind Indonesia’s Thriving Clothing Industry

Indonesia is a country that’s rich in culture, tradition, and natural resources. It has become a hub for many industries, and its clothing industry is no exception. One of the reasons why Indonesia’s clothing industry is thriving is because of “Baju Sisa Ekspor,” which translates to “export excess clothes” in English. In this article, we’ll …

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Wajib Lapor BPKM: Obligation for Businesses in Indonesia

As a business owner in Indonesia, it is important to know about the Wajib Lapor BPKM. This is a mandatory reporting requirement for all businesses in Indonesia. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in fines, penalties, and legal action. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Wajib Lapor …

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Website Paspor Online Indonesia

Indonesia is a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty. Whether you are planning a vacation or a business trip, having a passport is a necessity. The process of obtaining a passport can be daunting, but with the advent of the Website Paspor Online Indonesia, things have become much easier. In …

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E Paspor Indonesia 2018: Passport Simplification & Security

Indonesia is a country with a vast and diverse archipelago. With a population of over 260 million, it has become one of the largest democracies in the world. To maintain its security and sovereignty, Indonesia has strict immigration laws and procedures that regulate the entry and exit of people into the country. One of these …

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Then and Now Artinya

Perbedaan zaman yang amat mencolok, membuat kamu terkadang merasa berada di dunia yang berbeda. Tak hanya perbedaan teknologi, namun juga cara pandang, cara berpikir, hingga cara hidup. “Then and now” tak hanya sekedar berbeda, namun juga membawa banyak perubahan dan perbedaan. Berikut penjelasan detail mengenai “then and now artinya” dalam berbagai aspek. Cara Hidup Dulu, …

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