Pabrik Kerupuk Udang Ekspor Sidoarjo

Indonesia is a country that is rich in culture and tradition. It is also known for its delicious cuisine that is loved by many people all over the world. One of the famous dishes in Indonesia is kerupuk or crackers. Kerupuk is usually made from tapioca flour, fish, shrimp, or rice. In Sidoarjo, there is a pabrik kerupuk udang ekspor that produces high-quality shrimp crackers that are exported to many countries. In this article, we will discuss the details of the pabrik kerupuk udang ekspor Sidoarjo.

Location of the Pabrik Kerupuk Udang Ekspor Sidoarjo

The pabrik kerupuk udang ekspor Sidoarjo is located in Sidoarjo regency, East Java, Indonesia. Sidoarjo is a regency that is known for its culinary delights, especially its kerupuk udang. The pabrik is situated in the industrial area of Sidoarjo and can be easily accessed by land transportation.

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History of the Pabrik Kerupuk Udang Ekspor Sidoarjo

The pabrik kerupuk udang ekspor Sidoarjo was established in 1995 by a local entrepreneur who saw the potential of kerupuk udang export. At first, the pabrik produced kerupuk udang for local consumption, but as the demand for its products increased, it started to export its products to other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. The pabrik is now one of the largest producers of kerupuk udang in Indonesia.

Production Process of the Pabrik Kerupuk Udang Ekspor Sidoarjo

The production process of the pabrik kerupuk udang ekspor Sidoarjo is done in a hygienic and modern way. The process starts with the selection of fresh and high-quality shrimp. The shrimp are then cleaned and peeled. After that, the shrimp meat is mashed into a paste. The paste is mixed with tapioca flour, salt, sugar, and other ingredients to create the dough. The dough is then shaped into various shapes and sizes and is fried until it becomes crispy. The kerupuk udang is then packed in hygienic packaging and is ready to be shipped to its customers.

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Quality Control of the Pabrik Kerupuk Udang Ekspor Sidoarjo

The pabrik kerupuk udang ekspor Sidoarjo has a strict quality control process to ensure that its products are of high-quality and meet the international standards. The quality control process starts from the selection of raw materials, production process, and packaging. The pabrik also has a laboratory to test its products for microbiological, chemical, and physical properties. The pabrik also has a team that monitors the quality of its products and ensures that they are safe for consumption.

Export Market of the Pabrik Kerupuk Udang Ekspor Sidoarjo

The pabrik kerupuk udang ekspor Sidoarjo exports its products to many countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and other countries in Asia. The pabrik is also planning to expand its export market to other countries in Europe and America. Its high-quality products have gained a good reputation in the international market, and its customers are satisfied with the taste and quality of its products.

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Benefits of the Pabrik Kerupuk Udang Ekspor Sidoarjo

The pabrik kerupuk udang ekspor Sidoarjo has brought many benefits to the local community and the country. The pabrik provides job opportunities for the local people and contributes to the economic development of the region. The pabrik also promotes the culinary culture of Indonesia and introduces Indonesian cuisine to the international market. The pabrik also helps to increase the foreign exchange earnings of the country through its export activities.


The pabrik kerupuk udang ekspor Sidoarjo is a successful local business that produces high-quality kerupuk udang that is exported to many countries. The pabrik has a modern and hygienic production process and a strict quality control process to ensure that its products are of high-quality and meet the international standards. The pabrik has brought many benefits to the local community and the country and has promoted the culinary culture of Indonesia to the international market. The pabrik kerupuk udang ekspor Sidoarjo is a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit and culinary creativity of the Indonesian people.
