Nota Pelayanan Ekspor In English: Tips and Guidelines for Exporters


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Direktur Utama Jangkar Goups

For many Indonesian exporters, the process of exporting goods can be a daunting task. From paperwork to regulations, there are many things that need to be done before goods can be shipped overseas. One important aspect of exporting is the Nota Pelayanan Ekspor or NPE, which is a service note that is required for all export activities. In this article, we will discuss what NPE is, its importance, and how to obtain it.

What is NPE?

NPE or Nota Pelayanan Ekspor is a service note issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Trade. It is essentially a document that contains information about the goods being exported, the exporter, and the importer. This document is required for all export activities and is used to monitor and control the flow of goods in and out of the country.

The NPE is also used to ensure that the goods being exported are not prohibited or restricted. This is to ensure that Indonesia complies with international trade laws and agreements.

Why is NPE important?

The NPE is important because it is required for all export activities. Without it, goods cannot be shipped out of the country. It is also important because it helps to ensure that Indonesia complies with international trade laws and agreements. By monitoring and controlling the flow of goods, the government can prevent the export of prohibited or restricted goods.

Additionally, the NPE is important because it helps to protect the interests of both the exporter and the importer. It ensures that the goods being shipped are of the right quality and quantity, and that they are delivered on time.

How to obtain NPE?

To obtain NPE, exporters need to follow a set of procedures. These procedures may vary depending on the type of goods being exported and the destination country. However, the following is a general guideline:

Step 1: Register as an exporter

The first step to obtaining NPE is to register as an exporter with the Ministry of Trade. This can be done online or in person at the nearest Ministry of Trade office. The exporter will need to provide their business registration number (NPWP) and other relevant documents.

Step 2: Obtain a Customs Identification Number (NIK)

After registering as an exporter, the next step is to obtain a Customs Identification Number (NIK) from the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. This can be done online or in person at the nearest Customs and Excise office. The exporter will need to provide their NPWP and other relevant documents.

Step 3: Apply for NPE

Once the exporter has obtained a NIK, they can now apply for NPE. This can be done online or in person at the nearest Ministry of Trade office. The exporter will need to provide information about the goods being exported, the exporter, and the importer. They will also need to provide supporting documents such as invoices, packing lists, and certificates of origin.

Step 4: Obtain NPE

After the application has been submitted and approved, the exporter can obtain the NPE. This can be done online or in person at the nearest Ministry of Trade office. The NPE will be issued in the form of an electronic document that can be downloaded and printed.


The NPE is an important document that is required for all export activities in Indonesia. It helps to ensure that the goods being exported are of the right quality and quantity, and that they are delivered on time. By following the procedures outlined above, exporters can obtain NPE and ensure that they comply with international trade laws and agreements.

If you are an exporter and need help with NPE or other export-related issues, consider consulting with a logistics company or a customs broker. They can help you navigate the complex world of international trade and ensure that your goods are shipped safely and on time. Komoditas Unggulan Ekspor Indonesia Adalah

PT Jangkar Global Groups berdiri pada tanggal 22 mei 2008 dengan komitmen yang kuat dari karyawan dan kreativitas untuk menyediakan pelayanan terbaik, tercepat dan terpercaya kepada pelanggan.




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penulis adalah ahli di bidang pengurusan jasa pembuatan visa dan paspor dari tahun 2000 dan sudah memiliki beberapa sertifikasi khusus untuk layanan jasa visa dan paspor