Modal Penanaman Modal Asing: Understanding Foreign Investment in Indonesia

Modal Penanaman Modal Asing (Foreign Direct Investment or FDI) is an essential aspect of Indonesia’s economic growth and development. FDI is an investment made by foreign companies or individuals into a business venture in Indonesia. The investment can either be in the form of capital or assets such as machinery, technology, or property.

Indonesia’s government has been actively promoting and encouraging foreign investment in the country. In 2020, the government announced measures to attract more foreign investors, including tax incentives, simplifying business regulations, and improving infrastructure. These efforts have been successful, as Indonesia continues to be a popular destination for foreign investment.

The Benefits of FDI in Indonesia

There are several benefits of FDI in Indonesia. These include:

Job Creation

FDI can create job opportunities for the Indonesian people. Foreign investors bring in new technology, knowledge, and expertise that can help improve productivity and efficiency. This, in turn, can result in more job opportunities for local workers.

Transfer of Technology

Foreign investors bring in new technology and know-how that can help improve local industries. This can help local businesses become more competitive and increase their market share.

Economic Growth

FDI can help fuel economic growth in Indonesia. When foreign investors invest in local businesses, it can help increase the country’s GDP and contribute to economic development.

The Process of FDI in Indonesia

Foreign investors need to follow a specific process when investing in Indonesia. The process includes:

Getting Investment Approval

Foreign investors need to obtain investment approval from the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). The BKPM evaluates the investment plan and ensures that it complies with local regulations.

Establishing a Company

Foreign investors need to establish a legal entity in Indonesia to conduct business. The legal entity can be a limited liability company (PT) or a foreign representative office (KPPA).

Getting Licenses and Permits

Foreign investors need to obtain various licenses and permits to operate their business in Indonesia. These include a business license, a tax registration number, and a work permit for foreign employees.

FDI Trends in Indonesia

The FDI trend in Indonesia has been positive in recent years. According to the BKPM, FDI in Indonesia reached USD 22.8 billion in 2020, a 2.3% increase from the previous year. The top five countries investing in Indonesia in 2020 were:


Singapore was the largest investor in Indonesia, with a total investment value of USD 9.8 billion. Singapore has been a significant investor in Indonesia for many years, with investments in various sectors such as manufacturing, finance, and transportation.


Japan was the second-largest investor in Indonesia, with a total investment value of USD 4.4 billion. Japan’s investments in Indonesia are mainly in the automotive, electronics, and chemical sectors.


China was the third-largest investor in Indonesia, with a total investment value of USD 4.3 billion. China’s investments in Indonesia are mainly in the infrastructure and energy sectors.

South Korea

South Korea was the fourth-largest investor in Indonesia, with a total investment value of USD 2.1 billion. South Korea’s investments in Indonesia are mainly in the automotive, electronics, and chemical sectors.

The United States

The United States was the fifth-largest investor in Indonesia, with a total investment value of USD 1.3 billion. The United States’ investments in Indonesia are mainly in the energy and mining sectors.


Modal Penanaman Modal Asing is an essential part of Indonesia’s economic growth and development. The country’s government has been actively promoting and encouraging foreign investment in the country, resulting in a positive trend in FDI in recent years. FDI brings several benefits to Indonesia, including job creation, transfer of technology, and economic growth. Foreign investors need to follow a specific process when investing in Indonesia, including obtaining investment approval, establishing a legal entity, and obtaining the necessary licenses and permits. As Indonesia continues to be a popular destination for foreign investment, the country’s economy is expected to grow and prosper in the future.
