Legalizing Estonian Language Certificates at Diknas

Legalizing foreign language certificates can be a daunting task, especially if you are not familiar with the process. If you have an Estonian language certificate that needs to be legalized, you can do so at Dinas Pendidikan Nasional (Diknas). Diknas is a government agency that handles education-related matters, including legalizing foreign language certificates.

What is Legalization?

Legalization is a process of authenticating a foreign document to make it legally recognized in another country. In the case of Estonian language certificates, legalization is necessary if you want to use the certificate for employment, education, or immigration purposes in Indonesia.

Why Legalize Estonian Language Certificates?

The Indonesian government requires all foreign documents to be legalized before they can be used for any official purposes. This requirement is to ensure that the documents are authentic and have not been tampered with. Legalizing your Estonian language certificate at Diknas will make it valid and acceptable in Indonesia.

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Steps to Legalize Estonian Language Certificates at Diknas

Here are the steps to follow when legalizing your Estonian language certificate at Diknas:

  1. Get your Estonian language certificate translated into Indonesian by a certified translator.
  2. Get the translation of your Estonian language certificate notarized by a public notary.
  3. Take the original Estonian language certificate, its Indonesian translation, and the notarization to the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for authentication.
  4. Take the authenticated documents to the Indonesian Embassy in Estonia to be legalized.
  5. Take the legalized documents to Diknas to be legalized again.

What Documents Do You Need?

When legalizing your Estonian language certificate at Diknas, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • The original Estonian language certificate
  • The Indonesian translation of the Estonian language certificate
  • The notarization of the Indonesian translation
  • The authentication from the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • The legalization from the Indonesian Embassy in Estonia

How Long Does It Take?

The process of legalizing your Estonian language certificate at Diknas can take several weeks. It depends on how long it takes to get the translation, notarization, authentication, and legalization. It is important to start the process early to avoid any delays.

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How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of legalizing your Estonian language certificate at Diknas depends on the fees charged by the translation, notarization, authentication, and legalization services. It is important to budget for these fees and factor them into the cost of legalizing your certificate.


Legalizing your Estonian language certificate at Diknas is a necessary process if you want to use the certificate for employment, education, or immigration purposes in Indonesia. The process can be time-consuming and expensive, but it is essential to ensure that your certificate is valid and acceptable in Indonesia. If you have any questions about the process, you can contact Diknas for more information.
