Legalizing Birth Certificates at Kemenkumham: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you struggling to legalize your birth certificate in Indonesia? Look no further than Kemenkumham, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In this article, we’ll provide you with everything you need to know about legalizing your birth certificate at Kemenkumham, including the process, requirements, and fees.

The Importance of Legalizing Your Birth Certificate

Before we dive into the specifics of legalizing your birth certificate, let’s discuss why it’s important. A birth certificate is a crucial document that serves as proof of your identity, age, and nationality. Without a legalized birth certificate, you may encounter difficulties in various aspects of your life, such as obtaining a passport, enrolling in school, or getting a job.

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What is Kemenkumham?

Kemenkumham, short for Kementerian Hukum dan Ham or the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, is a government agency in Indonesia responsible for legal matters, including birth certificate legalization. Kemenkumham has several offices across the country where you can apply for birth certificate legalization.

Process of Legalizing Your Birth Certificate at Kemenkumham

The process of legalizing your birth certificate at Kemenkumham is relatively straightforward and consists of the following steps:

Step 1: Obtain a Copy of Your Birth Certificate

Before you can legalize your birth certificate at Kemenkumham, you need to obtain a copy of your birth certificate from the civil registry office (Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil). Make sure the copy is clear and legible before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2: Translate Your Birth Certificate

If your birth certificate is written in a language other than Indonesian, you’ll need to have it translated by a certified translator. The translation must be accurate and include the translator’s signature and stamp.

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Step 3: Authenticate Your Birth Certificate

Once you have a clear copy and translation of your birth certificate, you need to have it authenticated by the civil registry office where it was issued. This step ensures that your birth certificate is genuine and valid.

Step 4: Obtain a Legalization Certificate from Kemenkumham

After your birth certificate has been authenticated by the civil registry office, you can take it to the nearest Kemenkumham office to obtain a legalization certificate. Make sure to bring the original birth certificate, translation, and authentication certificate with you. The Kemenkumham officer will review your documents and issue a legalization certificate if everything is in order.

Requirements for Legalizing Your Birth Certificate at Kemenkumham

To legalize your birth certificate at Kemenkumham, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Clear copy of your birth certificate
  • Translation of your birth certificate (if it’s not in Indonesian)
  • Authentication certificate from the civil registry office
  • Valid ID card (KTP)
  • Fee payment (around IDR 20,000 – IDR 50,000 depending on the location)
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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the process take?

The process of legalizing your birth certificate at Kemenkumham usually takes around 1-2 hours, depending on the location and the number of applicants. However, the processing time may be longer if there’s a high volume of applications or if your documents require additional verification.

What if my birth certificate is damaged or lost?

If your birth certificate is damaged or lost, you’ll need to obtain a new one from the civil registry office before you can legalize it at Kemenkumham.

Can I legalize my birth certificate at a different location?

Yes, you can legalize your birth certificate at any Kemenkumham office in Indonesia, regardless of where it was issued.


Legalizing your birth certificate at Kemenkumham may seem daunting at first, but it’s a necessary step to ensure that your identity is recognized and accepted in various situations. By following the steps outlined in this article and meeting the requirements, you’ll be one step closer to obtaining a legalized birth certificate that can help you achieve your personal and professional goals.
