Legalisation of Documents: Understanding the Process

Legalisation of Documents. Legalisation of documents is a process that many people are not familiar with. Whether you need to legalise your documents for immigration, education, or business purposes, it is essential to understand the process. This article will guide you through the legalisation process, including what it means, what documents need to be legalised, and the steps you need to take to legalise your documents. PT. Jangkar Global Groups

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What is Legalisation of Documents?

Legalisation of documents is the process of verifying the authenticity of a document and the signature of the person who signed it. Karena Legalisation of documents is necessary because different countries have different legal systems, and what is considered a valid document in one country may not be valid in another. Legalisation confirms that the document is genuine and can be used in the country where it is intended to be used.

What Documents Need to be Legalised?

Not all documents need to be legalised. Usually, only documents that are issued by a government agency or a notary public need to be legalised. Some examples of documents that need to be legalised include birth certificates, marriage certificates, educational diplomas, power of attorney, and business documents such as articles of incorporation and business contracts.

Steps to Legalise Your Documents

The process of legalising documents can be complicated and time-consuming. Here are the steps you need to take to legalise your documents:

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Step 1: Obtain the Original Document

Before legalising your document, you need to obtain the original document from the issuing agency. If you don’t have the original document, you won’t be able to legalise it.

Step 2: Get the Document Notarised

After obtaining the original document, you need to get it notarised. A notary public will verify the authenticity of the document and the signature of the person who signed it.

Step 3: Get the Document Legalised by the State

Once the document has been notarised, you need to get it legalised by the state. This process may involve getting an apostille, which is a certificate that verifies the authenticity of the notary’s signature. The process of getting an apostille varies depending on the state where the document was issued.

Step 4: Get the Document Legalised by the Embassy or Consulate

Once the document has been legalised by the state, you need to get it legalised by the embassy or consulate of the country where the document will be used. This process may involve submitting the document along with the legalisation certificate and paying a fee.

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Legalisation of documents is a complex process that requires time and effort. However, it is necessary if you want to use your documents in a foreign country. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can legalise your documents and ensure that they are valid and authentic.



Legalisation of Documents

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Legalisation of Documents

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