Kekerasan Pada Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI)

Indonesia is one of the countries that has quite a number of labor forces working overseas. The majority of Indonesia’s labor force works in the Middle East and Asia. However, the difficulties faced by these workers are not only limited to adjustment problems in foreign countries. One of the most pressing issues faced by Indonesian migrant workers is violence. Violence faced by Indonesian migrant workers can be physical and non-physical, and this issue is still prevalent despite efforts from various parties to reduce it. This article will discuss in detail the violence faced by Indonesian migrant workers.

What is Violence against Indonesian Migrant Workers?

Violence against Indonesian migrant workers is any form of behavior that deliberately harms, endangers, or causes trauma to migrant workers. In general, violence against migrant workers can be divided into two types, namely physical violence and non-physical violence. Physical violence is any action that causes physical harm or injury to migrant workers. Examples of physical violence against migrant workers are beating, hitting, burning, and other forms of violence that cause physical harm. Non-physical violence includes psychological and emotional abuse, sexual harassment, and exploitation. The impact of non-physical violence can be long-lasting and can cause trauma that affects migrant workers’ mental health.

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Factors Contributing to Violence against Indonesian Migrant Workers

There are several factors that contribute to the occurrence of violence against Indonesian migrant workers. These factors are both internal and external factors. Internal factors include the lack of education and skills, lack of financial resources, and the lack of information about the destination country. External factors include the weak law enforcement system in the destination country, the lack of protection from the Indonesian government, and the lack of accountability from recruitment agencies. These factors create an environment that is prone to violence against migrant workers.

Types of Violence Faced by Indonesian Migrant Workers

There are several types of violence faced by Indonesian migrant workers. These types of violence are often interrelated and can occur simultaneously. Some of the most common types of violence faced by Indonesian migrant workers are as follows:

Physical Violence

Physical violence is the most visible and severe form of violence against Indonesian migrant workers. Physical violence against migrant workers can be caused by employers, recruitment agencies, or other workers. Physical violence can cause serious injuries, disability, or even death. Physical violence is often accompanied by psychological and emotional abuse, which can further traumatize migrant workers.

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Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is one of the most common types of violence faced by Indonesian migrant workers. Sexual violence can be in the form of rape, sexual harassment, or exploitation. Sexual violence often occurs in the workplace, where migrant workers are vulnerable and have limited protection from the law.

Psychological and Emotional Abuse

Psychological and emotional abuse is a form of violence that can cause long-term trauma to migrant workers. This type of violence can be in the form of verbal abuse, threats, or intimidation. Psychological and emotional abuse often occurs in conjunction with physical violence or sexual violence.

Exploitation and Non-payment of Wages

Exploitation and non-payment of wages are common problems faced by Indonesian migrant workers. Exploitation can take many forms, including forced labor, debt bondage, and human trafficking. Non-payment of wages is a frequent occurrence, and many migrant workers do not receive the full amount of their wages.

Efforts to Address Violence against Indonesian Migrant Workers

Efforts to address violence against Indonesian migrant workers are ongoing. The Indonesian government has taken several steps to protect Indonesian migrant workers, including the establishment of the National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BNP2TKI). The BNP2TKI provides various services to Indonesian migrant workers, including pre-departure training, legal aid, and repatriation assistance.

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The Indonesian government has also signed various agreements with destination countries to protect the rights of Indonesian migrant workers. However, implementation of these agreements is often weak, and many Indonesian migrant workers continue to face violence and exploitation.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) also play an essential role in addressing violence against Indonesian migrant workers. NGOs provide legal aid, counseling, and other support services to migrant workers. NGOs also work to raise awareness about the rights of migrant workers and advocate for stronger legal protection for them.


Violence against Indonesian migrant workers is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Physical violence, sexual violence, psychological and emotional abuse, and exploitation are common types of violence faced by Indonesian migrant workers. The Indonesian government and NGOs have taken steps to address this issue, but more needs to be done to protect the rights of Indonesian migrant workers. It is essential to continue to raise awareness about this issue and advocate for stronger legal protection for Indonesian migrant workers.
