Ekspor Sekam Padi Di Indonesia

Indonesia, as one of the largest producers of rice in the world, has various by-products from the rice milling process, one of which is rice husk or sekam padi. Sekam padi is not commonly used in the country, but it has a high potential for export. In this article, we will discuss the export of sekam padi in Indonesia, its benefits, and its challenges.

What is Sekam Padi?

Sekam padi is the outer covering of the rice grain. It is removed during the milling process, leaving the white rice grain that we consume. Sekam padi is usually considered a waste material and is often discarded. However, sekam padi has many uses and benefits.

Uses and Benefits of Sekam Padi

Sekam padi has many uses and benefits. One of its main uses is as fuel. Sekam padi is used as a fuel source in rice mills to generate steam and power. It is also used as a fuel for cooking and heating in households. Another use of sekam padi is as a raw material for various industries, such as the paper industry, the insulation industry, and the construction industry. Sekam padi can also be used as animal feed and as a fertilizer for crops.

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Export of Sekam Padi in Indonesia

Indonesia has a high potential for exporting sekam padi due to its large rice production. According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia produced 34.5 million tons of rice in 2020. With this amount of rice production, Indonesia can potentially produce 6 million tons of sekam padi per year. However, Indonesia’s export of sekam padi is still relatively low. In 2020, Indonesia only exported 15,000 tons of sekam padi, with a total value of USD 1.3 million.

Benefits of Exporting Sekam Padi

Exporting sekam padi has many benefits for Indonesia. First, it can increase Indonesia’s foreign exchange earnings. Sekam padi has a high demand in the international market, especially in countries that have a high demand for renewable energy and sustainable materials. Second, exporting sekam padi can create employment opportunities, especially in rural areas. Sekam padi production and export can involve small farmers and local communities, providing them with additional income. Third, exporting sekam padi can contribute to the reduction of waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Instead of discarding sekam padi, exporting it as a fuel source or raw material can reduce waste and contribute to a more sustainable environment.

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Challenges in Exporting Sekam Padi

Despite its potential, there are several challenges in exporting sekam padi in Indonesia. One of the challenges is the lack of awareness and knowledge about sekam padi’s potential. Many rice farmers and mill owners still consider sekam padi as waste and do not see the value of it. Another challenge is the lack of infrastructure and technology for sekam padi production and export. Sekam padi production requires specific equipment and storage facilities that are not widely available. Lastly, the lack of government support and policies for sekam padi export hinders its development. The government needs to provide incentives and support for sekam padi production and export to encourage its development and growth.


Sekam padi has a high potential for export in Indonesia. It has many uses and benefits, including as a fuel source, raw material, animal feed, and fertilizer. Exporting sekam padi can bring many benefits, including foreign exchange earnings, employment opportunities, and reduction of waste and greenhouse gas emissions. However, several challenges need to be addressed, including lack of awareness, infrastructure, technology, and government support. Addressing these challenges can unlock the potential of sekam padi and contribute to Indonesia’s sustainable development.

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