Ekspor Manggis Ke Dubai

Indonesia is known for its rich and diverse agriculture, and one of its most popular exports is mangosteen. This tropical fruit has a sweet and tangy flavor, making it a favorite among fruit lovers around the world. In recent years, Dubai has emerged as one of the biggest importers of Indonesian mangosteen. In this article, we will explore the process of exporting mangosteen to Dubai, the benefits of this trade, and how it impacts the Indonesian economy.

What is Mangosteen?

Mangosteen, also known as the Queen of Fruits, is a tropical fruit that is native to Southeast Asia. It has a thick purple rind, which is easily removed to reveal the white, juicy flesh inside. Mangosteen is high in antioxidants and has numerous health benefits, making it a popular ingredient in many health products.

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Exporting Mangosteen to Dubai

Dubai is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, with a thriving tourism industry and a rapidly expanding population. As a result, there is a high demand for fresh and exotic fruits like mangosteen. Exporting mangosteen to Dubai involves a complex process that includes harvesting, packaging, and transportation.First, the mangosteen must be harvested at the right time to ensure maximum freshness and quality. The fruit is then sorted and packed into crates, which are transported to the airport for shipping. The crates must be loaded onto airplanes quickly to ensure that the fruit remains fresh during the journey. Once the mangosteen arrives in Dubai, it is inspected by customs officials to ensure that it meets the country’s food safety standards.

Benefits of Exporting Mangosteen to Dubai

Exporting mangosteen to Dubai has numerous benefits for both Indonesia and Dubai. For Indonesia, the export of mangosteen creates jobs and boosts the economy. It also helps to promote Indonesian agriculture and increase international trade. For Dubai, importing mangosteen provides access to a fresh and healthy fruit that is not widely available in the region. It also helps to diversify the country’s food options and support the growing tourism industry.

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Impact on the Indonesian Economy

The export of mangosteen has a significant impact on the Indonesian economy. According to a report by the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, the export of mangosteen increased by 30% in 2020, generating over $50 million in revenue. This revenue helps to support local farmers and create new jobs in the agriculture sector. Additionally, the export of mangosteen helps to promote Indonesia’s image as a producer of high-quality agricultural products, which can attract new investors and boost the country’s economy in the long run.


In conclusion, the export of mangosteen to Dubai is a complex process that involves harvesting, packaging, and transportation. However, the benefits of this trade are significant for both Indonesia and Dubai. For Indonesia, the export of mangosteen creates jobs, boosts the economy, and promotes Indonesian agriculture. For Dubai, importing mangosteen provides access to a fresh and healthy fruit that supports the growing tourism industry and diversifies the country’s food options. With the increasing demand for exotic fruits like mangosteen, it is clear that this trade will continue to grow and benefit both countries in the future.

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