Draft Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang


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Direktur Utama Jangkar Goups

Draft Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang: A Comprehensive Guide to Export Notification in Indonesia

Indonesia is known for its vast and diverse natural resources, making it a hub for export activities. For exporters, complying with the regulations set by the Indonesian government is essential for a successful business venture. One of the most important documents required for export activities is the “Draft Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang” (DPEB). In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to DPEB, its purpose, requirements, and how to obtain it. Data Impor Indonesia 2017 BPS: Laporan Terbaru Perkembangan

What is Draft Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang (DPEB)?

DPEB is a document required by Indonesian customs for all exports. It is a notification document that informs customs about the details of the shipment, including the name of the exporter, the name of the importer, the type of goods, the quantity, the value, and the destination country. DPEB is mandatory for all export shipments from Indonesia, regardless of the mode of transport.

Why is DPEB Required?

DPEB is required to ensure the compliance of Indonesian exporters with national and international trade regulations. It enables the customs authority to monitor and control the export of goods, prevent illegal activities such as smuggling, tax evasion, and money laundering, and collect accurate data on export statistics. DPEB is also needed to obtain the necessary clearance and permits for the shipment of goods.

Who Needs to Apply for DPEB?

All Indonesian exporters who wish to ship goods from the country must apply for DPEB. It applies to both individuals and companies that export goods. The exporter must hold a valid export license and have fulfilled all the necessary requirements to be eligible for export activities. The exporter must also have a registered business address in Indonesia and comply with all the regulations set by the Indonesian government.

How to Apply for DPEB?

To apply for DPEB, an exporter must submit an application to the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE). The application must be filled with all the required details, including the name of the exporter, the name of the importer, the type of goods, the quantity, the value, and the destination country. The exporter must also attach a copy of the export license and all the necessary documents, such as the invoice, packing list, and bill of lading.

What Are the Requirements for DPEB?

There are several requirements that an exporter must comply with to obtain DPEB. These include:

  • The exporter must hold a valid export license issued by the Indonesian government.
  • The exporter must have a registered business address in Indonesia.
  • The exporter must comply with all the regulations set by the Indonesian government, including export restrictions and trade agreements.
  • The exporter must provide accurate and complete information about the shipment, including the name of the exporter, the name of the importer, the type of goods, the quantity, the value, and the destination country.
  • The exporter must attach all the necessary documents, such as the invoice, packing list, and bill of lading.

How Long Does It Take to Get DPEB?

The processing time for DPEB may vary depending on the complexity of the shipment and the completeness of the application. In general, it takes around 2-3 working days to get DPEB. However, it may take longer if there are any discrepancies or issues with the application. Therefore, it is recommended to apply for DPEB well in advance to avoid any delays in the shipment process.

What Happens if the Exporter Fails to Obtain DPEB?

If an exporter fails to obtain DPEB, the shipment will be detained and may be subject to fines and penalties. The export license may also be revoked, and the exporter may be banned from exporting goods from Indonesia. Therefore, it is crucial for exporters to comply with all the regulations set by the Indonesian government and obtain DPEB before shipping any goods from the country.


Draft Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang (DPEB) is a crucial document required for all exports from Indonesia. It ensures compliance with national and international trade regulations, enables customs authorities to monitor and control export activities, and collects accurate data on export statistics. It is essential for all exporters to comply with the regulations set by the Indonesian government and obtain DPEB before shipping any goods from the country. 5 Contoh Komoditas Ekspor Indonesia

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