Certificate of No Impediment Redbridge: A Complete Guide

Marriage is a significant milestone in many people’s lives. Before getting married, couples need to obtain a Certificate of No Impediment (CNI) to prove that they are eligible to get married. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to obtaining a Certificate of No Impediment in Redbridge, Indonesia.

What is a Certificate of No Impediment?

A Certificate of No Impediment is a legal document that proves a person is free to marry. It verifies that there are no legal restrictions preventing a person from getting married, such as being in a previous marriage or being underage. This document is required by most countries before they allow foreign nationals to get married.

  Certificate Of No Impediment (CNI) UK

Why do you need a Certificate of No Impediment?

If you plan to get married abroad, you will need a Certificate of No Impediment. This document is proof that you are free to marry, and it is required by most countries before they allow foreign nationals to get married. Without this document, your marriage may not be legally recognized.

How to Obtain a Certificate of No Impediment in Redbridge?

To obtain a Certificate of No Impediment in Redbridge, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Schedule an Appointment

You need to schedule an appointment with the Redbridge Register Office. You can do this online or by phone. When scheduling an appointment, make sure to choose the “Certificate of No Impediment” option.

Step 2: Gather Required Documents

You will need to provide the following documents when applying for a Certificate of No Impediment:

  • Proof of identity (passport or driver’s license)
  • Proof of address (utility bill or bank statement)
  • Proof of nationality (birth certificate or passport)
  • Divorce decree (if applicable)
  • Death certificate of previous spouse (if applicable)
  Requirements for Certificate of No Impediment in Indonesia

Step 3: Attend Appointment

On the day of your appointment, you will need to attend the Redbridge Register Office in person. You will need to provide the required documents and pay the fee for the Certificate of No Impediment.

Step 4: Wait for Processing

After submitting your application, it will take around 28 days for the Certificate of No Impediment to be processed. Once it is ready, you can collect it from the Redbridge Register Office in person. If you need the document urgently, you can pay an extra fee for expedited processing.

How much does a Certificate of No Impediment cost?

The cost of a Certificate of No Impediment in Redbridge is £35. If you need the document urgently, you can pay an additional fee of £50 for expedited processing.

What should I do if I lose my Certificate of No Impediment?

If you lose your Certificate of No Impediment, you can request a replacement from the Redbridge Register Office. You will need to provide proof of identity and pay a fee for the replacement document.

  Dfat Certificate Of No Impediment To Marriage: Apa Itu Dan Bagaimana Cara Memperolehnya?


Obtaining a Certificate of No Impediment is an essential step in getting married abroad. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to obtain your Certificate of No Impediment from the Redbridge Register Office. Don’t forget to bring all the required documents and pay the processing fee. With this document in hand, you can proceed with your wedding plans with confidence.
