Apostille Dokumen Required: What You Need to Know

Documents are essential in our everyday lives. They serve as proof of identification, ownership, and other important information. However, when dealing with documents internationally, apostille may be required. An apostille is a legal authentication that validates the origin of the document. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about apostille dokumen. PT. Jangkar Global Groups 

What is an Apostille Dokumen?

An apostille dokumen is an official certification issued by the government to authenticate the origin of a document. This is necessary when a document needs to be used in a foreign country. The apostille is attached to the document and serves as proof of its authenticity. It verifies the signature, seal, and stamp of the official who issued the document.

Dokumen Apostille

When is an Apostille Dokumen Required?

An apostille dokumen may be required for various reasons. It is commonly needed for documents that are used for legal purposes such as adoption, marriage, and property ownership. It is also necessary for educational documents such as transcripts and diplomas when applying for international schools or universities. Additionally, some countries require an apostille for business documents such as contracts and certificates of incorporation.

How to Obtain an Apostille Dokumen?

The process of obtaining an apostille dokumen may vary depending on the country where the document originated. In general, the process involves the following steps:

1. Identify the issuing authority – Determine the government agency that issued the document as they are the ones who can provide the apostille.

2. Submit the document for authentication – Bring the document to the issuing authority and have it authenticated.

3. Obtain the apostille – Once the document has been authenticated, the issuing authority will attach the apostille to the document.

Important Points to Remember

Here are some important points to remember when dealing with apostille dokumen:

1. Apostille is not a translation – It is important to note that an apostille does not translate the document. It only authenticates the origin of the document.

2. It is only valid in certain countries – Apostille is only recognized in countries that are members of the Hague Apostille Convention. Check if the country where the document will be used is a member of the convention.

3. Check the requirements – Different countries may have different requirements for apostille. Make sure to check the specific requirements of the country where the document will be used.


Apostille dokumen is an important legal authentication that validates the origin of a document. It is necessary when dealing with documents internationally and is commonly required for legal, educational, and business purposes. The process of obtaining an apostille may vary depending on the country where the document originated, but it generally involves identifying the issuing authority, submitting the document for authentication, and obtaining the apostille. It is important to remember that an apostille does not translate the document, it is only recognized in certain countries, and to check the specific requirements of the country where the document will be used.



Apostille K Bis

Perusahaan di dirikan pada tanggal 22 mei 2008 dengan komitmen yang kuat dari karyawan dan kreativitas untuk menyediakan pelayanan terbaik, tercepat dan terpercaya kepada pelanggan.


Apostille K Bis

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