Legalizing Norwegian Language Diplomas at Diknas

What is Diknas?

Diknas stands for the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education, which is a government agency that oversees the development of primary and secondary education in Indonesia. One of their functions is to legalize foreign diplomas, including Norwegian language diplomas.

Why Legalize Your Norwegian Language Diploma?

Legalizing your Norwegian language diploma at Diknas is essential if you plan to continue your education or work in Indonesia. Legalizing your diploma ensures that it is recognized by the government and educational institutions in Indonesia.

What are the Requirements for Legalizing Your Norwegian Language Diploma at Diknas?

In order to legalize your Norwegian language diploma at Diknas, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Original diploma
  • Original transcript of records
  • Copy of passport
  • Copy of residence permit (KITAS/KITAP)
  • Copy of visa
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Please note that all documents must be translated into Indonesian by an official translator and notarized by a public notary.

How to Legalize Your Norwegian Language Diploma at Diknas?

Here are the steps to legalize your Norwegian language diploma at Diknas:

  1. Prepare all the required documents.
  2. Visit the Diknas office in your area.
  3. Submit the documents to the officer in charge.
  4. Pay the legalization fee.
  5. Wait for the officer to process your documents and issue a legalization certificate.

How Much Does it Cost to Legalize Your Norwegian Language Diploma at Diknas?

The cost of legalizing your Norwegian language diploma at Diknas varies depending on the type of diploma and the number of documents you need to legalize. The average cost is around IDR 500,000 to IDR 1,000,000.

How Long Does it Take to Legalize Your Norwegian Language Diploma at Diknas?

The processing time for legalizing your Norwegian language diploma at Diknas can take up to 10 working days. However, the processing time may vary depending on the workload of the office and the completeness of your documents.

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Legalizing your Norwegian language diploma at Diknas is an important step if you plan to continue your education or work in Indonesia. The process may seem daunting, but it is relatively straightforward as long as you prepare all the required documents and follow the steps outlined above.
