Legalizing Arabic Language Diploma at Diknas


Pursuing higher education is a dream of every student, and it is a significant accomplishment to receive a diploma in any language. However, some students face difficulties when they try to legalize their Arabic language diploma at Diknas. This article will discuss the process of legalizing Arabic language diplomas at Diknas.

The Importance of Legalizing your Diploma at Diknas

Legalizing your diploma is essential because it is a way to ensure that your diploma is recognized as a valid document. Legalizing your diploma can also help you to apply for jobs or further your education in Indonesia.

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What is Diknas?

Diknas is an abbreviation for Dinas Pendidikan Nasional, which is the National Education Department in Indonesia. Its main role is to regulate and oversee the education system in Indonesia.

The Process of Legalizing Arabic Language Diploma at Diknas

To legalize your Arabic language diploma at Diknas, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Prepare your Documents

The first step is to prepare your documents. You will need to have the original diploma, transcripts, and a copy of your identity card.

Step 2: Translate your Documents

You then need to translate your documents into Indonesian. You can hire a translator or use a translation service.

Step 3: Get your Documents Notarized

After translating your documents, you must get them notarized by a notary public. The notary public will verify that the translation is accurate.

Step 4: Legalize your Documents at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The next step is to legalize your documents at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You need to bring your documents and pay a fee to get them legalized.

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Step 5: Legalize your Documents at Diknas

The final step is to legalize your documents at Diknas. You need to bring your legalized documents, pay a fee, and fill out an application form. Diknas will then authenticate your documents.

The Fees for Legalizing your Diploma at Diknas

The fee for legalizing your diploma at Diknas varies depending on the type of diploma. The fee ranges from IDR 50,000 to IDR 1,000,000.

The Timeframe for Legalizing your Diploma at Diknas

The timeframe for legalizing your diploma at Diknas is around 2-3 weeks. However, it may take longer if there are any issues with your documents.


Legalizing your Arabic language diploma at Diknas is essential if you want to use it for further education or to apply for jobs in Indonesia. The process may seem daunting, but it is relatively straightforward if you follow the steps outlined above. Remember to prepare your documents, translate them, get them notarized, legalize them at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and finally, legalize them at Diknas. Good luck!

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