Mafia Bawang Putih Impor: An Overview of the Illegal Trade

Bawang putih or garlic is one of the staple ingredients in Indonesian cuisine. It is used in various dishes to enhance the flavor and aroma. However, the demand for garlic in Indonesia is higher than its production, which leads to imports from other countries. While legal import of garlic is allowed, there is a dark side to the garlic trade in Indonesia, which involves the illegal import of garlic also known as “Mafia Bawang Putih Impor”.

What is Mafia Bawang Putih Impor?

The term “Mafia Bawang Putih Impor” refers to a group of individuals or organizations that engage in the illegal import of garlic in Indonesia. They smuggle garlic from China, Vietnam, and other countries and sell them in the local market, which gives them an unfair advantage over legal importers. The mafia controls the garlic market in Indonesia and sets the price of garlic, which is usually higher than the market price.

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How Does the Mafia Operate?

The Mafia Bawang Putih Impor is a well-organized group that operates in secrecy. They have their own network of suppliers, buyers, and distributors, who help them carry out their illegal business. They smuggle garlic through various means such as falsifying documents, hiding garlic in other goods, and using illegal ports of entry.

The mafia has also been known to resort to violence and intimidation to protect their business interests. They threaten legal importers, extort money from them, and even destroy their garlic stock if they do not comply with their demands. This has led to a decline in legal garlic import and has given the mafia even greater control over the garlic market in Indonesia.

Impact of Mafia Bawang Putih Impor

The Mafia Bawang Putih Impor has a significant impact on the garlic market in Indonesia. Their illegal activities lead to a decrease in the price of garlic in the country of origin, which affects the livelihoods of local farmers. On the other hand, the price of garlic in Indonesia is higher than it should be, which affects the purchasing power of ordinary consumers.

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The illegal garlic trade also has a negative impact on the Indonesian economy. It deprives the government of tax revenue, which could be used for public services and infrastructure development. Moreover, it creates an uneven playing field for legal importers, who have to compete with the mafia.

Efforts to Combat Mafia Bawang Putih Impor

The Indonesian government has made several efforts to combat the illegal garlic trade in the country. They have intensified customs and border control, implemented stricter regulations on garlic import, and conducted raids on garlic storage facilities suspected of being involved in illegal activities.

The government has also encouraged the development of local garlic production, which could reduce the country’s dependence on imported garlic. They have provided incentives for farmers to cultivate garlic and have supported research to improve garlic productivity and quality.


The Mafia Bawang Putih Impor is a significant problem in Indonesia that affects the livelihoods of local farmers, the economy, and ordinary consumers. The illegal garlic trade must be eradicated to ensure a fair and competitive market that benefits everyone. The government, legal importers, and consumers must work together to combat the mafia and promote legal and sustainable garlic trade in Indonesia.

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