Ekspor Jamur Tiram Dari Indonesia

Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources, including its mushroom cultivation. Among the various types of mushrooms grown in Indonesia, the oyster mushroom or jamur tiram has gained popularity in recent years. Not only is it delicious, but it also has many health benefits. Therefore, it is not surprising that the export of oyster mushrooms from Indonesia has been increasing in recent years.

Overview of Mushroom Cultivation in Indonesia

Mushroom cultivation has been practiced in Indonesia since the 1970s. However, it was not until the 1990s that Indonesia began to seriously develop mushroom cultivation. The government’s goal was to reduce mushroom imports and to increase local production. Today, mushroom cultivation has become a promising sector with enormous potential for development.

Oyster mushrooms are the most popular type of mushroom grown in Indonesia. They are relatively easy to cultivate compared to other types of mushrooms and require less investment. Therefore, many small and medium-sized farmers have chosen to cultivate oyster mushrooms.

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Export of Oyster Mushrooms from Indonesia

The export of oyster mushrooms from Indonesia has been increasing in recent years. According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, the export of oyster mushrooms in 2019 reached 13,450 tons, with a value of around USD 12 million. This is a significant increase compared to 2018, where the export of oyster mushrooms was only 6,740 tons, with a value of around USD 5 million.

The main export destination for Indonesian oyster mushrooms is Japan. In 2019, Japan accounted for more than 70% of Indonesia’s oyster mushroom exports. Other export destinations include Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the increasing demand for oyster mushrooms, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed. One of the main challenges is the competition from other mushroom-producing countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea. These countries have a longer history of mushroom cultivation and have developed a more advanced technology for mushroom production.

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Another challenge is the lack of regulations and standards for mushroom exports. The absence of regulations and standards creates uncertainty for exporters, as they are unsure about the quality and safety of the products they export.

However, there are also opportunities for the development of mushroom exports from Indonesia. One opportunity is the increasing demand for healthy and organic foods in developed countries. Oyster mushrooms are known for their health benefits, and therefore, they have a good potential for export to these countries.

Another opportunity is the potential for the development of value-added products from oyster mushrooms. For example, oyster mushroom chips, oyster mushroom powder, and oyster mushroom extract can be developed as new products for export.


In conclusion, the export of oyster mushrooms from Indonesia has been increasing in recent years. Despite some challenges, the sector has enormous potential for development. With the increasing demand for healthy and organic foods in developed countries, oyster mushrooms have a good potential for export to these countries. Moreover, the development of value-added products from oyster mushrooms can create new opportunities for export. Therefore, the government and private sector should continue to support the development of mushroom cultivation and exports in Indonesia.

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