Data Ekspor Minyak Mentah Indonesia

Indonesia is a country with abundant natural resources. One of the natural resources that Indonesia has is crude oil. Crude oil is one of the most important commodities for the Indonesian economy. Indonesia has a large crude oil reserve, and it has been exporting crude oil to foreign countries for many years.

Overview of Crude Oil Export from Indonesia

The export of crude oil from Indonesia contributes significantly to the country’s economy. In 2019, the export of crude oil from Indonesia was valued at USD 11.9 billion. The export of crude oil from Indonesia has experienced a decline in recent years due to a decrease in crude oil production.

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Crude Oil Production and Export Volume

Indonesia’s crude oil production has been declining for several years. The decline in crude oil production is due to aging oil fields and a lack of investment in the oil sector. Indonesia’s crude oil production in August 2021 was 594.7 thousand barrels per day (bpd), which is a decline from the previous year’s production of 728.5 thousand bpd.

Indonesia’s crude oil export volume has also experienced a decline. In 2019, Indonesia exported a total of 308.8 thousand bpd of crude oil. In 2020, Indonesia’s crude oil export volume was 282.0 thousand bpd, which is a decline from the previous year’s volume of 327.9 thousand bpd.

The Countries that Import Crude Oil from Indonesia

Indonesia exports crude oil to several countries. In 2020, the countries that imported crude oil from Indonesia were mainly in Asia. The top five countries that imported crude oil from Indonesia in 2020 were:

  • China
  • India
  • Malaysia
  • Japan
  • Singapore

China as the Main Importer of Crude Oil from Indonesia

China is the largest importer of crude oil from Indonesia. In 2020, China imported 141.6 thousand bpd of crude oil from Indonesia. China’s demand for crude oil from Indonesia has increased in recent years. In 2019, China imported 125.7 thousand bpd of crude oil from Indonesia.

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India as the Second Largest Importer of Crude Oil from Indonesia

India is the second-largest importer of crude oil from Indonesia. In 2020, India imported 55.6 thousand bpd of crude oil from Indonesia. India’s demand for crude oil from Indonesia has also increased in recent years. In 2019, India imported 50.9 thousand bpd of crude oil from Indonesia.

Malaysia, Japan, and Singapore as Other Importers of Crude Oil from Indonesia

Other countries that imported crude oil from Indonesia in 2020 were Malaysia, Japan, and Singapore. Malaysia imported 33.9 thousand bpd of crude oil from Indonesia, Japan imported 24.7 thousand bpd of crude oil from Indonesia, and Singapore imported 19.1 thousand bpd of crude oil from Indonesia.

The Impact of Crude Oil Export on Indonesia’s Economy

The export of crude oil from Indonesia has a significant impact on Indonesia’s economy. The revenue generated from the export of crude oil contributes to the country’s foreign exchange reserves. The foreign exchange reserves are important for Indonesia’s economic stability.

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The decline in crude oil production and export volume has affected Indonesia’s economy. The decrease in revenue from the export of crude oil has resulted in a decrease in Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves. The decline in foreign exchange reserves can affect Indonesia’s economic stability.

The Future of Crude Oil Export from Indonesia

The future of crude oil export from Indonesia is uncertain. Indonesia’s crude oil production has been declining, and there has been a lack of investment in the oil sector. The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected the demand for crude oil.

The Indonesian government has taken steps to increase crude oil production. The government has offered incentives to oil companies to invest in the oil sector. The Indonesian government has also planned to develop new oil fields to increase crude oil production.

The Indonesian government has also encouraged the development of renewable energy sources. The development of renewable energy sources can reduce Indonesia’s dependence on crude oil. The development of renewable energy sources can also contribute to Indonesia’s economic growth.


The export of crude oil from Indonesia has a significant impact on Indonesia’s economy. The decline in crude oil production and export volume has affected Indonesia’s economy. The future of crude oil export from Indonesia is uncertain, but the Indonesian government has taken steps to increase crude oil production and develop renewable energy sources. The development of renewable energy sources can reduce Indonesia’s dependence on crude oil and contribute to Indonesia’s economic growth.
