Ekspor Jengkol Dari Indonesia

Indonesia is known for its diverse agriculture, and one of the widely exported commodities is the jengkol. Jengkol is a type of legume that is popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. This article will discuss the export of jengkol from Indonesia, including its benefits, challenges, and future prospects.

What is Jengkol?

Jengkol is a member of the leguminous family, scientifically known as Archidendron pauciflorum. The plant is native to Southeast Asia and grows in tropical rainforests. Jengkol has a strong odor and taste, which may be an acquired taste for some. It is commonly used in traditional Indonesian dishes and believed to have various health benefits, including treating diabetes and high blood pressure.

Why Export Jengkol?

Indonesia is one of the top jengkol producers in the world, alongside Malaysia and Thailand. The export of jengkol provides a significant contribution to Indonesia’s economy. The country’s jengkol exports increased by 25% in 2020, reaching a value of $1.5 million. The demand for jengkol in Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan has been on the rise due to its unique flavor and health benefits.

  Gambar Animasi Ekspor

Challenges of Exporting Jengkol

The export of jengkol from Indonesia faces several challenges. Firstly, the production of jengkol is highly dependent on the weather. Climate change and natural disasters can significantly affect the crop yield and quality. Secondly, the strong odor and taste of jengkol make it challenging to transport and store. The packaging and transport must be done carefully to ensure the product’s quality and freshness upon arrival. Thirdly, there are strict regulations and restrictions on the export of jengkol to countries such as the United States due to potential health risks.

The Future of Jengkol Export

The future of jengkol export from Indonesia looks promising. The Indonesian government has been promoting and supporting the development of the agriculture sector, including jengkol production. The use of modern farming techniques and technology has improved the quality and quantity of jengkol production. Additionally, there is an increasing demand for plant-based protein sources, and jengkol fits this trend. As long as the challenges of jengkol production and export are addressed, the industry can continue to grow and contribute to Indonesia’s economy.

  Peran Pemerintah Dalam Bidang Ekspor


The export of jengkol from Indonesia provides various benefits, including economic growth and health benefits. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed, such as climate change, packaging and transport, and regulations. The future of jengkol export looks promising, with the Indonesian government’s support and the increasing demand for plant-based protein sources. The jengkol industry can continue to grow and provide valuable contributions to Indonesia’s economy in the years to come.
