Daftar Komoditas Pertanian Ekspor Indonesia


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Daftar Komoditas Pertanian Ekspor Indonesia
Direktur Utama Jangkar Goups

Daftar Komoditas Pertanian Ekspor Indonesia – Indonesia is a country that is endowed with various natural resources, including agriculture. The country is known for its vast agricultural lands and di verse climate that make it suitable for growing various crops. The agricultural sector plays a vital role in the country’s economy, contributing significantly to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and providing employment to millions of people. In this article, we will explore the top agricultural export commodities in Indonesia. China Visa Centre Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta, Indonesia

Padi (Rice)

Daftar Komoditas Pertanian Ekspor Indonesia

Maka dari itu, Padi, or rice, is a staple food in Indonesia. The country is the largest producer of rice in Southeast Asia and the third-largest in the world, after China and India. Rice is grown all over the country, with the most extensive rice fields located in the Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi islands. Indonesia exports rice to various countries, including Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. In 2019, Indonesia exported 3.3 million tons of rice, valued at about US$ 1.5 billion. Ekspor Bersih Adalah: Pentingnya Menjaga Kualitas

Kelapa Sawit (Palm Oil)

Maka dari itu, Palm oil is another significant agricultural export commodity in Indonesia. The country is the world’s largest producer of palm oil, accounting for around 55% of the global production. The palm oil industry in Indonesia is extensive, providing employment to millions of people and generating significant revenue for the country. Palm oil is used in various industries, including food, cosmetics, and energy. In 2019, Indonesia exported 36.1 million tons of palm oil, valued at around US$ 18.6 billion.

Biji Kopi (Coffee Beans)

Maka dari itu, Indonesia is known for its high-quality coffee beans, which are exported to various countries around the world. The country is the fourth-largest producer of coffee in the world, after Brazil, Vietnam, and Colombia. Coffee is grown in several regions in Indonesia, including Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi. The most popular types of coffee exported from Indonesia are Robusta and Arabica. In 2019, Indonesia exported 302,000 tons of coffee beans, valued at around US$ 1.1 billion.

Karet (Rubber)

Maka dari itu, Rubber is another significant agricultural export commodity in Indonesia, with the country being the second-largest producer of natural rubber in the world, after Thailand. Rubber is grown in several regions in Indonesia, including Sumatra, Java, and Kalimantan. The rubber industry in Indonesia provides employment to millions of people and generates significant revenue for the country. In 2019, Indonesia exported 4.7 million tons of rubber, valued at around US$ 6 billion.

Tembakau (Tobacco)

Maka dari itu, Tobacco is an essential export commodity in Indonesia, with the country being the fifth-largest producer of tobacco in the world. The tobacco industry in Indonesia is extensive, providing employment to millions of people and generating significant revenue for the country. The most popular types of tobacco exported from Indonesia are kretek cigarettes, which are made from a blend of tobacco, cloves, and other spices. In 2019, Indonesia exported 153,000 tons of tobacco, valued at around US$ 1.1 billion.

Minyak Kelapa (Coconut Oil)

Maka dari itu, Coconut oil is another significant agricultural export commodity in Indonesia. The country is the largest producer of coconuts in the world, accounting for around 27% of the global production. Coconut oil is used in various industries, including food, cosmetics, and energy. In 2019, Indonesia exported 1.8 million tons of coconut oil, valued at around US$ 1.2 billion.

Bawang Merah (Shallots)

Maka dari itu, Shallots are a popular ingredient in Indonesian cuisine, and the country is the second-largest producer of shallots in the world, after China. Shallots are grown all over the country, and the most extensive shallot fields are located in the Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 72,000 tons of shallots, valued at around US$ 77 million.

Cengkeh (Cloves)

Maka dari itu, Cloves are another essential export commodity in Indonesia. The country is the largest producer of cloves in the world, accounting for around 80% of the global production. Cloves are grown in several regions in Indonesia, including the Maluku islands and North Sulawesi. Cloves are used in various industries, including food, cosmetics, and medicine. In 2019, Indonesia exported 16,000 tons of cloves, valued at around US$ 70 million.

Lada Hitam (Black Pepper)

Maka dari itu, Black pepper is a popular spice in Indonesian cuisine, and the country is the largest producer of black pepper in the world, accounting for around 35% of the global production. Black pepper is grown in several regions in Indonesia, including Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi. In 2019, Indonesia exported 52,000 tons of black pepper, valued at around US$ 211 million.

Beras (Rice Products)

Maka dari itu, Rice products, including rice flour and rice noodles, are also significant agricultural export commodities in Indonesia. These products are made from rice and are popular ingredients in various cuisines around the world. In 2019, Indonesia exported 1.3 million tons of rice products, valued at around US$ 828 million.

Kacang Tanah (Peanuts)

Maka dari itu, Peanuts are a popular snack in Indonesia, and the country is the third-largest producer of peanuts in the world, after China and India. Peanuts are grown all over the country, with the most extensive peanut fields located in the Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 258,000 tons of peanuts, valued at around US$ 292 million.

Jeruk (Citrus Fruits)

Maka dari itu, Citrus fruits, including oranges and tangerines, are also significant agricultural export commodities in Indonesia. These fruits are grown all over the country, with the most extensive citrus fruit fields located in the Java and Sumatra islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 277,000 tons of citrus fruits, valued at around US$ 163 million.

Coklat (Cocoa)

Maka dari itu, Cocoa is another essential agricultural export commodity in Indonesia. The country is the third-largest producer of cocoa in the world, after Ivory Coast and Ghana. Cocoa is grown in several regions in Indonesia, including Sulawesi and Sumatra. Cocoa is used in various industries, including food and cosmetics. In 2019, Indonesia exported 380,000 tons of cocoa, valued at around US$ 1.1 billion.

Teh (Tea)

Maka dari itu, Tea is a popular beverage in Indonesia, and the country is the seventh-largest producer of tea in the world. Tea is grown in several regions in Indonesia, including West Java, Central Java, and East Java. The most popular types of tea exported from Indonesia are black tea and green tea. In 2019, Indonesia exported 111,000 tons of tea, valued at around US$ 443 million.

Ubi Kayu (Cassava)

Maka dari itu, Cassava is another essential agricultural export commodity in Indonesia. The country is the third-largest producer of cassava in the world, after Nigeria and Thailand. Cassava is grown all over the country, with the most extensive cassava fields located in the Java and Sumatra islands. Cassava is used in various industries, including food and energy. In 2019, Indonesia exported 3.2 million tons of cassava, valued at around US$ 1.2 billion.

Kacang Hijau (Mung Beans)

Maka dari itu, Mung beans are a popular ingredient in Indonesian cuisine, and the country is the second-largest producer of mung beans in the world, after India. Mung beans are grown all over the country, with the most extensive mung bean fields located in the Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 98,000 tons of mung beans, valued at around US$ 78 million.

Jagung (Corn)

Maka dari itu, Corn is a staple food in Indonesia, and the country is the tenth-largest producer of corn in the world. Corn is grown all over the country, with the most extensive corn fields located in the Java and Sumatra islands. Maka dari itu, Corn is used in various industries, including food and energy. In 2019, Indonesia exported 80,000 tons of corn, valued at around US$ 20 million.

Tomat (Tomatoes)

Maka dari itu, Tomatoes are another significant agricultural export commodity in Indonesia. The country is the tenth-largest producer of tomatoes in the world. Tomatoes are grown all over the country, with the most extensive tomato fields located in the Java and Sumatra islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 30,000 tons of tomatoes, valued at around US$ 20 million.

Buah Naga (Dragon Fruit)

Maka dari itu, Dragon fruit is a popular fruit in Indonesia, and the country is the third-largest producer of dragon fruit in the world, after Vietnam and China. Dragon fruit is grown all over the country, with the most extensive dragon fruit fields located in the Bali and Lombok islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 24,000 tons of dragon fruit, valued at around US$ 22 million.

Buah Manggis (Mangosteen)

Maka dari itu, Mangosteen is another popular fruit in Indonesia, and the country is the third-largest producer of mangosteen in the world, after Thailand and India. Mangosteen is grown all over the country, with the most extensive mangosteen fields located in the Java and Sumatra islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 10,000 tons of mangosteen, valued at around US$ 12 million.

Buah Pisang (Bananas)

Maka dari itu, Bananas are another popular fruit in Indonesia, and the country is the tenth-largest producer of bananas in the world. Bananas are grown all over the country, with the most extensive banana fields located in the Java and Sumatra islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 25,000 tons of bananas, valued at around US$ 11 million.

Buah Apel (Apples)

Maka dari itu, Apples are another agricultural export commodity in Indonesia, although the country is not a significant producer of apples. Apples are mainly imported from other countries, including China, Australia, and the United States. In 2019, Indonesia imported 220,000 tons of apples, valued at around US$ 200 million.

Melon (Melons)

Maka dari itu, Melons are another agricultural export commodity in Indonesia, with the country being the tenth-largest producer of melons in the world. Melons are grown all over the country, with the most extensive melon fields located in the Java and Sumatra islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 4,000 tons of melons, valued at around US$ 3 million.

Cabai (Chili Peppers)

Maka dari itu, Chili peppers are a popular ingredient in Indonesian cuisine, and the country is the ninth-largest producer of chili peppers in the world. Chili peppers are grown all over the country, with the most extensive chili pepper fields located in the Java and Sumatra islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 21,000 tons of chili peppers, valued at around US$ 15 million.

Bayam (Spinach)

Maka dari itu, Spinach is another agricultural export commodity in Indonesia, with the country being the eighth-largest producer of spinach in the world. Spinach is grown all over the country, with the most extensive spinach fields located in the Java and Sumatra islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 6,000 tons of spinach, valued at around US$ 4 million.

Wortel (Carrots)

Maka dari itu, Carrots are another agricultural export commodity in Indonesia, with the country being the fifteenth-largest producer of carrots in the world. Carrots are grown all over the country, with the most extensive carrot fields located in the Java and Sumatra islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 8,000 tons of carrots, valued at around US$ 2 million.

Kacang Panjang (Long Beans)

Maka dari itu, Long beans are a popular ingredient in Indonesian cuisine, and the country is the seventh-largest producer of long beans in the world. Long beans are grown all over the country, with the most extensive long bean fields located in the Java and Sumatra islands. In 2019, Indonesia exported 8,000 tons of long beans, valued at around US$ 5 million.

Biji Pinang (Betel Nuts)

Daftar Komoditas Pertanian Ekspor Indonesia

Maka dari itu, Betel nuts are another agricultural export commodity in Indonesia, with the country being the second-largest producer of betel nuts in the world, after India. Maka dari itu, Betel nuts are grown all over the country, with the most extensive betel nut fields located in the Sulawesi and Sumatra islands. Betel nuts are used in various industries, including food and medicine. In 2019, Indonesia exported 15,000 tons of betel nuts, valued at around US$ 29 million.

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