Bisa Ekspor Lampung

Indonesia is known for its natural resources, and Lampung is one of the provinces that has abundant natural resources, especially in the agricultural sector. Lampung is located in the southern part of Sumatra Island and the province is surrounded by the Java Sea to the east and the Indian Ocean to the west. Lampung has a strategic location that makes it easy for Lampung to export its products to various countries. In this article, we will discuss the potential of Lampung province in the export sector, specifically in the agricultural sector.

Potential of Agricultural Sector in Lampung

Lampung has a tropical climate with abundant rainfall, making it suitable for agriculture. The agricultural sector in Lampung is dominated by palm oil plantations, followed by rubber, coffee, cocoa, and pepper. The province is also known for its high-quality robusta coffee, which is exported to various countries. Lampung is the third-largest producer of robusta coffee in Indonesia after Sumatra and Sulawesi. In addition to coffee, Lampung also produces high-quality pepper that is known as Lampung pepper.

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With its potential in the agricultural sector, Lampung has the opportunity to continue to increase its export volume. According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Lampung’s non-oil and gas exports reached USD 966.9 million in 2019. This number shows an increase of 29.36% compared to the previous year. This indicates the positive trend of Lampung’s export performance.

Challenges in Exporting Agricultural Products from Lampung

Although Lampung has great potential in the agricultural sector, there are still challenges in exporting agricultural products from the province. One of the challenges is the lack of infrastructure, especially in transportation. The transportation infrastructure in Lampung needs improvement, especially in the road network and ports. This makes it difficult for farmers and exporters to transport their products to the ports. The cost of transportation also becomes higher, which affects the competitiveness of Lampung’s agricultural products in the global market.

The quality and standard of Lampung’s agricultural products also need improvement to meet the requirements of the importing countries. The implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is still low in Lampung. This affects the quality and safety of Lampung’s agricultural products.

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Efforts to Improve Lampung’s Agricultural Export Performance

To overcome the challenges in exporting agricultural products from Lampung, there are several efforts that need to be done. The government needs to improve the infrastructure in Lampung, especially in transportation. The improvement of the road network and ports will make it easier and cheaper for farmers and exporters to transport their products to the ports. The government also needs to promote Lampung’s agricultural products to the global market by participating in international exhibitions and trade fairs.

The farmers and exporters also need to improve the quality and standard of their products by implementing Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). This will improve the quality and safety of Lampung’s agricultural products, which will increase the competitiveness of the products in the global market.


Lampung has great potential in the agricultural sector, especially in exporting agricultural products. With its abundant natural resources and strategic location, Lampung has the opportunity to continue to increase its export volume. However, there are still challenges that need to be overcome, such as the lack of infrastructure and the need to improve the quality and standard of the products. By improving the infrastructure and implementing Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), Lampung’s agricultural export performance can be improved, which will benefit the farmers and exporters in the province.

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