Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Asing: A Closer Look

Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Asing, or BKPM, is the Indonesian government agency responsible for coordinating and regulating foreign investment in the country. Established in 1967, the agency has been instrumental in attracting foreign direct investments and optimizing the potential of Indonesia’s natural and human resources to drive economic growth and create employment opportunities. This article takes a closer look at BKPM, its functions, and its impact on the Indonesian economy.

The Role of BKPM

BKPM’s primary role is to facilitate the investment process for foreign companies interested in setting up business operations in Indonesia. To this end, the agency provides a range of services, including:

  • Assistance in obtaining necessary permits and licenses
  • Information on investment opportunities in various sectors
  • Coordination with relevant government agencies
  • Advice on the investment climate and legal framework
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Additionally, BKPM is responsible for implementing policies aimed at attracting foreign investment and promoting economic development in Indonesia. These policies include tax incentives, simplified investment procedures, and the establishment of special economic zones.

The Importance of Foreign Investment

Foreign investment has played a critical role in Indonesia’s economic development, particularly since the country transitioned to a democracy in the late 1990s. In recent years, Indonesia has been one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate of 5.0% in 2019. According to BKPM, foreign investment has been a significant contributor to this growth, accounting for around 40% of total investment in the country in recent years.

Foreign investment has also been instrumental in creating employment opportunities for Indonesians. According to a report by the World Bank, foreign-owned firms in Indonesia employ around 7% of the country’s workforce and pay salaries that are, on average, 50% higher than those of domestic firms.

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Challenges Faced by BKPM

Despite its successes, BKPM faces several challenges in its mission to attract foreign investment. One of the biggest challenges is Indonesia’s complex regulatory environment, which can be difficult for foreign investors to navigate. Additionally, corruption remains a significant problem in Indonesia, and can deter foreign investors who are concerned about transparency and fairness in the investment process.

Another challenge faced by BKPM is the competition it faces from other countries in the region. Indonesia’s neighbors, such as Singapore and Malaysia, have been successful in attracting foreign investment by offering more investor-friendly policies and streamlined procedures.

BKPM’s Future Plans

In response to these challenges, BKPM has outlined several initiatives aimed at improving the investment climate in Indonesia and making it more attractive to foreign investors. These initiatives include:

  • Simplifying investment procedures and reducing regulatory barriers
  • Strengthening anti-corruption measures and improving transparency
  • Investing in infrastructure to support economic growth
  • Encouraging the development of new industries and technologies
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BKPM has also identified several priority sectors for foreign investment, including transportation, energy, and tourism. By focusing on these sectors, BKPM hopes to create greater synergies between foreign investors and the Indonesian economy, leading to sustained and inclusive economic growth.


In conclusion, BKPM plays a critical role in attracting foreign investment to Indonesia and promoting economic development in the country. Despite the challenges it faces, the agency has been successful in bringing in significant amounts of foreign investment and creating employment opportunities for Indonesians. By continuing to improve the investment climate and focusing on priority sectors, BKPM can help to ensure that Indonesia remains a competitive destination for foreign investors in the years to come.
