BPKM Investment Coordinating Board: Overview and Role in Indonesia

BPKM Investment Coordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal) is an Indonesian government agency that oversees investment activities in the country. Established in 1973, BPKM has been playing an instrumental role in promoting and facilitating investment in various sectors of the Indonesian economy. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the functions and responsibilities of BPKM, its role in attracting foreign investment into Indonesia, and its impact on the country’s economic growth.

What is BPKM Investment Coordinating Board?

BPKM is a non-ministerial government agency that operates under the coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs. Its main task is to promote, coordinate, and facilitate investment in the country. BPKM is responsible for issuing licenses and permits for foreign and domestic investors, monitoring investment activities, and providing investment-related services to investors. The agency also serves as a liaison between investors and other government agencies, helping to streamline the investment process and ensure that investors are able to operate smoothly in Indonesia.

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Functions and Responsibilities of BPKM

The main functions and responsibilities of BPKM include:

1. Investment Promotion: BPKM is responsible for promoting investment opportunities in Indonesia by providing information about investment policies, regulations, and incentives. The agency works closely with other government agencies, business associations, and international organizations to promote Indonesia as an attractive destination for investment.

2. Investment Coordination: BPKM coordinates investment activities in the country by working closely with other government agencies to ensure that the investment process is streamlined and efficient. The agency also facilitates communication between investors and government agencies to help resolve any issues that may arise during the investment process.

3. Investment Licensing: BPKM is responsible for issuing licenses and permits for foreign and domestic investors. The agency provides guidance and support to investors throughout the licensing process, ensuring that all requirements are met and that the process is completed in a timely manner.

4. Investment Monitoring: BPKM monitors investment activities in the country to ensure that investors are complying with regulations and operating in accordance with the law. The agency also provides regular updates and reports on investment activities in Indonesia.

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BPKM and Foreign Investment in Indonesia

BPKM plays a vital role in attracting foreign investment into Indonesia. The agency works closely with the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) to promote Indonesia as an attractive destination for investment. BPKM provides information and assistance to foreign investors, helping them to navigate the investment process and providing support throughout the investment lifecycle.

Foreign investment is critical to Indonesia’s economic growth. In recent years, the country has made significant progress in improving its business environment and attracting foreign investment. BPKM has played an instrumental role in this process, working to create a more business-friendly environment and promote investment opportunities in Indonesia.

The Impact of BPKM on Indonesia’s Economic Growth

BPKM has had a significant impact on Indonesia’s economic growth. The agency’s efforts to promote investment and streamline the investment process have helped to attract significant foreign investment into the country. This investment has helped to create jobs, boost economic growth, and improve the country’s standard of living.

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In recent years, Indonesia has emerged as one of the fastest-growing economies in Southeast Asia. The country’s GDP growth rate has consistently been above 5% in the past few years, and it is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. BPKM’s efforts to promote investment and facilitate economic growth have played a critical role in this success.


BPKM Investment Coordinating Board is an essential agency that plays a crucial role in promoting and facilitating investment in Indonesia. Through its functions and responsibilities, BPKM helps to attract foreign investment, create jobs, and promote economic growth in the country. As Indonesia continues to emerge as a major player in the global economy, BPKM will continue to play a vital role in ensuring that the investment process is streamlined and efficient, making Indonesia an attractive destination for investment.
