Job TKI Taiwan: Opportunity for Indonesian Workers to Work Abroad

For many Indonesian workers, the prospect of working abroad is a dream come true. Not only does it offer the chance to earn a higher income, but it also provides an opportunity to gain valuable experience and skills. One of the countries that have been popular among Indonesian workers in recent years is Taiwan. In this article, we will discuss the job opportunities available for TKI (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia) in Taiwan and how to apply for these jobs.

Understanding the TKI Program

The TKI program is a government initiative that aims to provide job opportunities for Indonesians abroad. The program is managed by the Ministry of Manpower and aims to protect the rights of Indonesian workers who work overseas. The program is open to all Indonesians who are aged 18 to 45 years old and have completed at least a high school education.

  Apa Saja Pekerjaan TKI

Job Opportunities Available for TKI in Taiwan

There are several job opportunities available for TKI in Taiwan. These jobs are mostly in the manufacturing and industrial sectors, where there is a high demand for workers. Some examples of jobs that are available for TKI in Taiwan include factory workers, machine operators, and assemblers.

Another popular job opportunity for TKI in Taiwan is to work in the care industry. This includes jobs as caregivers for the elderly or disabled, as well as jobs in childcare and housekeeping. These jobs are in high demand due to Taiwan’s rapidly aging population, and they offer a good salary and benefits package.

Requirements for Working in Taiwan as a TKI

Before applying for a job as a TKI in Taiwan, there are several requirements that must be met. These include:

  • Valid passport
  • Completed high school education
  • Good health condition
  • No criminal record
  • Basic knowledge of Mandarin

In addition to these requirements, there are also specific requirements depending on the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job in the care industry, you may need to have relevant experience or qualifications.


How to Apply for a Job as a TKI in Taiwan

The first step in applying for a job as a TKI in Taiwan is to find a job agency that specializes in overseas employment. These agencies can provide information on available jobs, requirements, and the application process. It is important to choose a reputable agency to avoid scams and illegal recruitment.

Once you have found an agency, you will need to prepare your documents, including your passport, education certificates, and other relevant documents. You will also need to undergo a medical examination to ensure that you are fit to work overseas.

After you have completed all the necessary requirements, the agency will help you with the application process. This includes preparing your employment contract, applying for your work permit, and arranging your flight to Taiwan.


Working as a TKI in Taiwan can be a great opportunity for Indonesians who are looking to gain valuable experience and skills while earning a good salary. However, it is important to remember that working overseas also comes with its own challenges and risks. It is important to research and prepare before applying for a job as a TKI in Taiwan to ensure that you have a positive and safe experience.

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