Surat Pernyataan Belum Menikah 2023: What You Need to Know

What is a Surat Pernyataan Belum Menikah?

A Surat Pernyataan Belum Menikah, also known as SPBM, is a document that confirms an individual’s unmarried status. This document is usually required when applying for certain legal documents in Indonesia, such as passports, visas, and other government-issued IDs.

SPBM is issued by the local civil registry office, or Kantor Catatan Sipil (KCS), and can only be obtained by those who have never been married before. The document is valid for six months from the date of issuance.

Why is a Surat Pernyataan Belum Menikah Required?

Having a SPBM is crucial when applying for certain legal documents, especially passports and visas. This document proves that the applicant is not currently married and can help avoid any legal issues that may arise when applying for these documents. It’s important to note that some countries may require additional documentation to prove an individual’s unmarried status.

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How to Obtain a Surat Pernyataan Belum Menikah?

To obtain a SPBM, you will need to visit your local KCS and provide the following documents:

  • Original and photocopy of your national ID card (KTP)
  • Original and photocopy of your birth certificate (Akte Kelahiran)
  • Original and photocopy of your family card (Kartu Keluarga)
  • Two passport-sized photos with a red background

Once all the documents have been submitted, you will need to fill out a form and pay a small fee. The KCS will then process your application and issue your SPBM within a few days.

What Happens If You Get Married After Obtaining a Surat Pernyataan Belum Menikah?

If you get married after obtaining a SPBM, you will need to apply for a new document that confirms your married status. This document is called Surat Keterangan Catatan Sipil (SKCS) and is issued by the KCS. Make sure to keep your SPBM and other legal documents up-to-date to avoid any legal issues in the future.

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A Surat Pernyataan Belum Menikah is an important document for those who are unmarried and need to apply for legal documents in Indonesia. It’s essential to keep this document up-to-date and to apply for a new document if your marital status changes. If you need help obtaining a SPBM or other legal documents, make sure to consult with your local KCS or legal professional.
