Apostille Jelentése

If you are planning to move to a foreign country, you may have heard of the term “apostille.” Although it may sound unfamiliar, an apostille is an important document that you would need to have. In this article, we will discuss the meaning and importance of apostille jelentése in an easy-to-understand way. PT. Jangkar Global Groups 

What is Apostille?

An apostille is a certification or authentication of a public document issued by a government agency in the country where the document was originally issued. The apostille is a special type of authentication that is recognized by other countries that are parties to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents.

  Mengatasi Keuangan Dengan Apostille

Simply put, an apostille is a way to make your document valid and recognized in another country. It is a kind of international notarization that verifies the authenticity of a public document such as a birth certificate, marriage certificate, or a diploma.

Do You Need An Apostille

Why Do You Need an Apostille?

If you are planning to move to a foreign country, you would need to have some important documents with you. These documents include but are not limited to:

  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • Divorce certificate
  • Death certificate
  • Academic transcripts and diplomas
  • Power of attorney
  • Police clearance certificate

These documents need to be authenticated or certified by the government agency that issued them. However, when these documents are to be used in another country, they need to be recognized by that country’s government as well. This is where an apostille comes in. An apostille acts as a seal of approval that makes your document valid and recognized in another country.

How to Get an Apostille?

The process of getting an apostille depends on the country where the document was issued. Each country has its own rules and regulations regarding apostilles. However, in general, the process involves the following steps:

  1. Get a certified copy of the document from the government agency that issued it.
  2. Submit the document to the designated authority that issues apostilles in your country.
  3. Pay the required fee and wait for the apostille to be issued.
  Manfaat Penggunaan Jasa Apostille

The process may take a few days or weeks, depending on the country and the type of document you need to apostille.


In conclusion, an apostille jelentése is an important document that you would need to have if you are planning to move to a foreign country. It verifies the authenticity of your public documents and makes them valid and recognized in another country. If you need an apostille, make sure to follow the process carefully and get help from a professional if needed.



Apostille Jelentése

Perusahaan di dirikan pada tanggal 22 mei 2008 dengan komitmen yang kuat dari karyawan dan kreativitas untuk menyediakan pelayanan terbaik, tercepat dan terpercaya kepada pelanggan.


Apostille Jelentése

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