Walk In Interview Jakarta 2017


Are you looking for a job in Jakarta? Then you’ll definitely want to know about the Walk In Interview Jakarta 2017 event. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet with employers and potentially land your dream job in the city. In this article, we’ll be giving you all the information you need to know about this event, as well as sharing some top tips for acing your interview and standing out from the competition.

What is Walk In Interview Jakarta 2017?

Walk In Interview Jakarta 2017 is an event where employers and job seekers can meet face-to-face. The event is typically held in a large venue, such as a hotel or conference center, and is open to anyone who is looking for a job in Jakarta. At the event, job seekers can network with employers, attend interviews on the spot, and potentially receive job offers on the day.

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Why Attend Walk In Interview Jakarta 2017?

There are many reasons why you should attend Walk In Interview Jakarta 2017. Firstly, it’s a fantastic opportunity to meet with employers face-to-face. This can be much more effective than simply submitting your resume online, as it allows you to make a personal connection with the employer and showcase your skills and personality.

Additionally, Walk In Interview Jakarta 2017 can be a great way to save time and energy in your job search. Instead of attending multiple interviews at different locations, you can attend one event and potentially secure a job offer on the day.

How to Prepare for Walk In Interview Jakarta 2017

If you’re planning to attend Walk In Interview Jakarta 2017, it’s important to do some preparation beforehand. Here are some top tips to help you stand out from the crowd and make a great impression on potential employers:

Research the Companies

Before attending the event, take some time to research the companies that will be present. This will help you to understand their values, mission, and products/services. You can also prepare some questions to ask during the interview that show that you’ve done your homework.

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Prepare Your Resume

Make sure that your resume is up-to-date and tailored to the jobs that you’re interested in. You should also bring multiple copies of your resume to the event, as you may be interviewed by multiple employers.

Dress to Impress

First impressions count, so make sure that you dress appropriately for the event. This typically means wearing business attire, such as a suit or blouse and skirt. Make sure that your clothes are clean, ironed, and fit well.

Practice Your Interview Skills

Finally, it’s important to practice your interview skills before attending Walk In Interview Jakarta 2017. You can do this by rehearsing common interview questions with a friend or family member, or by attending a mock interview session. This will help you to feel more confident and prepared on the day.


Walk In Interview Jakarta 2017 is a fantastic opportunity for job seekers in Jakarta to network with employers and potentially land their dream job. By doing some preparation beforehand, such as researching the companies, preparing your resume, dressing to impress, and practicing your interview skills, you can increase your chances of success on the day. Good luck!

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