Susi Pudjiastuti Impor Garam

Susi Pudjiastuti, the former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, has become a public figure who is well-known for her controversial policies and straightforward opinions. She is a known advocate for Indonesia’s sovereignty in its maritime affairs. During her tenure as the minister, she imposed a ban on foreign trawlers from fishing in Indonesian waters. Her most recent controversy involves the importation of salt or Garam, which received mixed reactions from the public.

The Controversy Surrounding Susi Pudjiastuti’s Importation of Salt

The controversy started when Pudjiastuti’s company, PT ASR, was granted an import license for 3,000 metric tons of salt from Australia. PT ASR is a company owned by Pudjiastuti, her son, and her brother. The imported salt was intended for the production of salted fish, a traditional Indonesian delicacy.

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Many people questioned Pudjiastuti’s decision to import salt, given the fact that Indonesia is known to have an abundance of natural salt resources. Some people accused her of not supporting Indonesia’s local salt industry and betraying the country’s sovereignty. On the other hand, some people defended her and argued that there was nothing wrong with importing salt as long as it is intended for domestic consumption.

Why Did Susi Pudjiastuti Import Salt?

According to Pudjiastuti, the reason why she imported salt was that the quality of local salt was not good enough for the production of salted fish. She claimed that the imported salt was of better quality and was needed to maintain the quality of the salted fish produced by her company. She also stated that her company had tried to use local salt before but found it to be inconsistent in quality.

However, some people argued that Pudjiastuti’s claims were not valid, as there were many other companies that used local salt to produce salted fish without any issues. They also questioned why Pudjiastuti’s company did not try to work with local salt producers to improve the quality of local salt instead of importing salt from abroad.

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The Impact of Susi Pudjiastuti’s Decision to Import Salt

The impact of Pudjiastuti’s decision to import salt is still unclear. Some people believe that it could harm Indonesia’s local salt industry and discourage local salt producers from improving the quality of their products. Others argue that the importation of salt could be a good thing for Indonesia, as it could encourage healthy competition and motivate local salt producers to improve the quality of their products.

However, one thing is clear: Pudjiastuti’s decision to import salt has sparked a debate about Indonesia’s sovereignty and the role of public figures in supporting local industries. It has also highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability in public affairs.


The controversy surrounding Susi Pudjiastuti’s importation of salt is a reminder that public figures have a responsibility to act in the best interests of their country and its people. While Pudjiastuti’s intentions may have been good, her decision has raised concerns about Indonesia’s local industry and its ability to compete in the global market.

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It is important for public figures to be transparent about their actions and to consider the impact of their decisions on the wider community. Only then can we ensure that our country’s resources are utilized in a way that benefits everyone and supports Indonesia’s sovereignty in its maritime affairs.
