SKCK Online Error

What is SKCK?

SKCK stands for Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian which is a certificate stating that an individual does not have a criminal record. This certificate is required for many purposes such as applying for a job, going abroad, or applying for a business license. Previously, SKCK could only be obtained by going to the police station, but now it can be done online.

What is SKCK Online?

SKCK Online is an online service provided by the Indonesian National Police where individuals can apply for a SKCK certificate without having to go to the police station. This service is convenient as it saves time and energy for the applicants.

What is SKCK Online Error?

SKCK Online Error is an error that occurs when individuals try to apply for a SKCK certificate online but encounter a problem during the process. This error can be caused by various factors and can be frustrating for the applicants.

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Causes of SKCK Online Error

There are several causes of SKCK Online Error, including:

  • Slow internet connection
  • Server overload
  • Technical issues with the website
  • Incomplete or incorrect data inputted by the applicant

How to Fix SKCK Online Error

Here are some steps that applicants can take to fix SKCK Online Error:

  • Check the internet connection and try again later
  • Refresh the page and try again
  • Clear the browser cache and cookies
  • Check the inputted data and make sure it is complete and correct
  • Contact the SKCK Online customer service for assistance

How to Avoid SKCK Online Error

Here are some tips that applicants can follow to avoid SKCK Online Error:

  • Ensure a stable and fast internet connection
  • Use a reliable device and browser
  • Double-check the inputted data before submitting
  • Avoid applying during peak hours


SKCK Online is a convenient service provided by the Indonesian National Police for applicants to obtain a SKCK certificate. However, SKCK Online Error can occur due to various factors and can be frustrating for the applicants. By following the steps to fix and avoid SKCK Online Error, applicants can make the process smoother and more efficient.

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