Legalizing Marriage Documents for Legal Purposes through Kemenlu

Getting married is one of the most important milestones in a couple’s life. It is a moment of celebration, happiness, and the start of a new journey together. However, after the wedding ceremony, there are legal procedures that need to be followed to ensure the marriage is recognized legally. One of the necessary steps is to legalize the marriage documents through Kemenlu.

The Importance of Legalizing Marriage Documents

Legalizing marriage documents is crucial to ensure that the marriage is recognized legally by the government. This recognition is essential for several legal purposes, such as inheritance, taxes, property ownership, and other legal rights that come with marriage. Legalizing the marriage documents is also necessary if the couple plans to move abroad and would like to have their marriage recognized in other countries.

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Legalizing marriage documents is a process that requires several steps, including obtaining a marriage certificate, having it legalized by the local government, and finally, having it legalized by Kemenlu.

Obtaining a Marriage Certificate

The first step in legalizing marriage documents is obtaining a marriage certificate. This certificate is issued by the local government where the wedding ceremony took place. To obtain a marriage certificate, the couple needs to provide several documents, such as their ID cards, birth certificates, and other necessary documents. The couple also needs to pay a fee to obtain the marriage certificate.

Legalizing Marriage Certificate by the Local Government

After obtaining the marriage certificate, the next step is to legalize it by the local government. Legalization by the local government is necessary to ensure that the certificate is valid and recognized in the country. To legalize the marriage certificate, the couple needs to bring the certificate and other necessary documents to the local government office. The local government officer will then verify the documents and put a stamp on the certificate to signify its legalization.

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Legalizing Marriage Certificate by Kemenlu

After the marriage certificate has been legalized by the local government, the next step is to legalize it by Kemenlu. Kemenlu is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Indonesia responsible for legalizing documents for use abroad. Legalization by Kemenlu is necessary if the couple plans to use their marriage certificate for legal purposes in other countries.

The process of legalizing the marriage certificate by Kemenlu is straightforward. The couple needs to bring the marriage certificate, the original and a copy of their ID cards, and the original and a copy of their birth certificates to Kemenlu office. The officer will then verify the documents and put a stamp on the certificate to signify its legalization.


Legalizing marriage documents is an essential step that every married couple needs to follow to ensure that their marriage is recognized legally. The process of legalizing marriage documents may seem daunting, but it is necessary to ensure that the marriage is recognized legally by the government and other countries. By following the steps mentioned above, couples can legalize their marriage documents without any hassle.

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