Ekspor Malaysia Ke Indonesia

Ekspor Malaysia Ke Indonesia

Indonesia is Malaysia’s largest trading partner within the ASEAN region. In 2019, the total trade between Malaysia and Indonesia was valued at RM 88.6 billion, with Malaysia exporting RM 42.5 billion worth of goods to Indonesia. This article will discuss the export of Malaysian goods to Indonesia, covering the top Malaysian exports to Indonesia, the benefits of exporting to Indonesia, and challenges faced by Malaysian exporters.

Top Malaysian Exports to Indonesia

The top Malaysian exports to Indonesia are crude petroleum, palm oil and palm oil-based products, electrical and electronic products, and chemicals. In 2019, crude petroleum exports from Malaysia to Indonesia were valued at RM 2.4 billion, while palm oil and palm oil-based products were valued at RM 1.9 billion. Electrical and electronic products were valued at RM 1.8 billion, while chemicals were valued at RM 1.5 billion.

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Other significant exports from Malaysia to Indonesia include machinery, equipment, and parts; iron and steel products; and processed food and beverages. These products are in high demand in Indonesia, and Malaysian exporters can take advantage of this by expanding their market share in Indonesia.

Benefits of Exporting to Indonesia

Indonesia has a large and growing population of over 260 million people, making it one of the largest consumer markets in Southeast Asia. This presents a significant opportunity for Malaysian exporters to tap into this market and increase their revenue. Additionally, Indonesia’s strategic location and well-developed infrastructure make it an ideal location for businesses looking to expand their operations within the ASEAN region.

Furthermore, the Indonesian government has implemented policies and initiatives to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth. These include tax incentives, streamlined business registration processes, and improved infrastructure. This makes Indonesia an attractive destination for Malaysian companies looking to expand their business operations.

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Challenges Faced by Malaysian Exporters

Despite the benefits of exporting to Indonesia, Malaysian exporters face several challenges when entering the Indonesian market. One of the biggest challenges is the complex regulatory environment, which can be difficult for foreign companies to navigate. Additionally, cultural differences and language barriers can make it challenging for Malaysian exporters to communicate effectively with Indonesian customers and business partners.

Other challenges include logistical issues, such as transportation and distribution, as well as competition from other foreign and domestic companies operating within the Indonesian market. However, with careful planning and a strategic approach, Malaysian exporters can overcome these challenges and succeed in the Indonesian market.


The export of Malaysian goods to Indonesia presents a significant opportunity for Malaysian exporters to tap into Indonesia’s large and growing consumer market. While challenges exist, the benefits of exporting to Indonesia, including its strategic location, well-developed infrastructure, and supportive government policies, make it an attractive destination for Malaysian companies looking to expand their business operations within the ASEAN region.

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