Demande D’apostille: Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to legal documents, there is often a need to authenticate them. This is where the concept of an apostille comes into play. In simple terms, an apostille is a type of authentication that ensures that a legal document is recognized as valid in other countries. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about demande d’apostille. PT. Jangkar Global Groups 

What is Demande D’apostille?

Demande d’apostille is a French term that translates to “apostille request.” It refers to the process of obtaining an apostille on a legal document. In France, the process of demande d’apostille is handled by the local authorities and varies depending on the type of document that needs to be authenticated.

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Demande D'apostille

Why is Demande D’apostille Required?

The need for demande d’apostille arises when a person wants to use a legal document issued in one country in another country. In such cases, the document needs to be authenticated so that it is recognized as valid in the destination country. Apostilles are used to simplify the process of recognizing legal documents in foreign countries.

Types of Documents that Require D’apostille

There are several types of legal documents that require d’apostille. Some of the most common documents include birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce decrees, adoption certificates, educational degrees, and diplomas. Additionally, commercial documents such as contracts, powers of attorney, and articles of incorporation may also require apostilles.

The Process of D’apostille

The process of d’apostille varies depending on the type of document that needs to be authenticated. In general, the process involves submitting the original document to the relevant authority, paying a fee, and waiting for the apostille to be issued. The timeline for the process can vary depending on the country and the document.

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Where to Obtain Demande D’apostille?

In France, demande d’apostille is handled by the local authorities. The specific authority that handles apostille requests can vary depending on the type of document that needs to be authenticated. Generally, the process is handled by the prefecture or the embassy/consulate of the destination country.

Cost of Demande D’apostille

The cost of demande d’apostille varies depending on the country and the type of document that needs to be authenticated. In France, the cost can range from €15 to €30 per apostille. It is advisable to check with the relevant authority for the exact cost of the process.

Validity of Apostilles

Apostilles are valid for a specific period of time, which varies depending on the country. Generally, apostilles are valid for six months to one year from the date of issuance. It is advisable to check with the relevant authority for the validity period of the apostille.



Demande d’apostille is a crucial process when it comes to using legal documents issued in one country in another country. It is essential to ensure that the process is handled correctly to avoid any legal complications. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your apostille request is handled efficiently and effectively.



Demande D'apostille

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Demande D'apostille

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